A message from South Jersey Chairs

Cape May County Democratic Committee Chairman Sciarra.

Please see below message from Chairs of Southern NJ Counties


Dear U.S. House Candidate:

As leaders of the Democratic Party, we respectfully request that you sign the following campaign pledge to disavow support in any form from the corrupt Callaway organization in Atlantic City.

Craig Callaway has a long and shameful history of interfering in honest and fair elections. As Atlantic City Council President, he disgraced his office by taking thousands in cash bribes leading to a federal conviction and a 40-month prison sentence.

Then, one of Callaway’s political allies, former Camden City Councilman Ali Sloan-El, was convicted of taking tens of thousands in cash in brown bags from an undercover FBI agent in the same pay-to-play redevelopment scheme that rocked South Jersey.

Ali Sloan-El has since made new allies. Just last year he partnered with Susan Altman, who runs a Trenton dark money group that fights against disclosing secret donors. They, along with Kate Delany and other fake Democrats, tried infiltrating the Democratic primaries in South Jersey with Trump Republicans, convicted felons, deadbeats, and petition forgers. The County Prosecutor’s Office even investigated the petition forgeries, leading to disqualifications for some of Altman’s candidates.

Why would Altman recruit Republicans in a primary election against Democrats? Simple: because she was a lifelong Republican. This means Altman didn’t participate in primaries to support Al Gore for President, Jim McGreevey for Governor, Frank Lautenberg for U.S. Senate, Jon Corzine for U.S. Senate or for Governor, Cory Booker for U.S. Senate, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton for President, not including numerous other federal, state, county, and local Democrats seeking elective office. She didn’t even bother voting against Chris Christie for Governor. And even worse, she just bragged about showing support for Cory Booker’s primary opponent.

The story gets much worse for Craig Callaway. He was convicted in state court for blackmail and sentenced to three more years in prison in a repulsive scheme of arranging for a prostitute to provide sexual favors to his Council rival, an elderly widower, and videotaping the encounter in a rented motel room. He used the video footage to try to force his rival to resign from public office, but the plot backfired when his victim took the threat to law enforcement. It made national news.

Callaway’s syndicate of allies have even more documented instances of immoral, illegal, and reckless behavior that is unbecoming of our Party -- from knife fights, assaults, harassment, threats, and stalking to outright voter fraud -- strong-arming voters in poor communities of color to allow Callaway cartel soldiers to vote by mail on their behalf.

Unfortunately, this is not just behavior from many years ago. In 2017, Callaway staged his post-prison political comeback by masterminding the mayoral election of Frank Gilliam, an official who brought shame and disgrace to our region once again by stealing over $87,000 from a kid’s basketball program. That’s yet another Callaway associate led away in handcuffs, further contributing to the embarrassing legacy of Atlantic City mayors.

Like Craig Callaway, Altman wants to interfere with our primary selection process the same way they did last year.

We call on all candidates to disavow partnering with career criminals and fake Democrats like Susan Altman and Kate Delany in this primary.

Allowing the Callaway Crime Cartel and their Trenton dark money allies to determine the man or woman to run against traitor Jeff Van Drew cannot be an option.

Their conduct does not belong in our party and we condemn it in the strongest possible terms. Sign this pledge affirming that you will not accept direct or in-kind donations, organizational support, endorsements, or provide payments to them or their affiliated entities.

Please post this signed pledge on your social media sites.

Thanks for your consideration.



Wyatt Earp – Ocean

Brendan Sciarra – Cape May

Steve Caltabiano – Salem

Steve Errickson – Cumberland

James Beach – Camden

Fred Madden – Gloucester

Joseph Andl – Burlington


Campaign Pledge

I, the undersigned candidate for Congress in New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District, sign this pledge affirming that I will not accept direct or in-kind donations, organizational support, endorsements from, or provide payments to, Craig Callaway or his affiliated entities.

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