Michael Embrich Named State Commander of Catholic War Veterans

Michael Embrich Named State Commander of Catholic War Veterans
TRENTON, NJ - Catholic War Veterans, Department of New Jersey, is pleased to announce Michael Embrich has been named as State Commander. He will be sworn in at the National Convention Banquet in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania on August 25th, 2018.
“I am looking forward to working with the VA, our legislators, and the Governor's Office to find new ways to combat Veteran's homelessness and raise awareness of the legislative agenda with our key partners around the state."
For the past 17 years Michael has worked in local, state, and federal government positions, including the United States Army, the United States Congress and the New Jersey General Assembly, primarily in communications and public relations roles. Michael is known for his work in reformed Veterans Affairs policies, particularly for being an integral part of the overhauled Montgomery G.I. Bill, known as the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008.
Michael Embrich currently serves as a Federal Advisory Committee Member for the United States Treasury Department and was a member of the Governor’s Transition Team for Military and Veterans Affairs.