Migdalia Pagano-Milano Calls on Mike DeFusco to Join Her in Making Stamp Out Voter Fraud Pledge

Migdalia Pagano-Milano Calls on Mike DeFusco to Join Her in Making Stamp Out Voter Fraud Pledge


Migdalia Pagan-Milano today  called on her opponent, Councilman Mike DeFusco, to sign on to the Stamp Out Voter Fraud Pledge.


Pagan-Milano, along with her Team Bhalla slate mates,  pledged last week to not hire any election day workers, relying on volunteers to conduct get-out-the-vote activities and challenged all candidates running for Council in Hoboken to do the same. The  Stamp Out Voter Fraud Pledge is aimed at the illegal practice of candidates paying people to vote for them and then falsely reporting the payments as compensation for working election day.

This was the design of the large-scale voter fraud scheme that Frank Raia was found guilty of organizing and overseeing in City elections.  Two other long time Hoboken political operatives, Matt Calicchio and Lizaida Camis pled guilty for their roles in the scheme and several other Hoboken politicos have been implicated.

Migdalia Pagan-Milano said, "It is disappointing that Councilman DeFusco has so far refused to sign-on to our pledge, protecting the integrity of Hoboken elections, especially given that one of his largest political contributors, Frank Raia was the mastermind of the cash for votes scheme and his former campaign manager, Ryan Yacco, was at the heart of the operation.  I call on him to do so today."

Migdalia Pagan-Milano works in the City’s newly resurrected Constituent Affairs department, where she listens to resident complaints, addresses thier concerns and finds them solutions. She recently assisted residents of Marineview with a large scale unit inspection in the wake of two recent fires.



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