What Mikie Says VS What Mikie Does - Part One

What Mikie Says VS What Mikie Does - Part One

Whippany, NJ - In the first of a multi-part series, the Webber For Congress campaign is pulling back the curtain on the real Mikie Sherrill and exposing her hypocrisy, demonstrating the huge difference between what she says, and what she does.

"At the end of the day, Mikie Sherrill is proving to be just another politician saying what she thinks people want to hear, but doing just the opposite,"  said Webber campaign spokesperson Ronica Cleary. "She’s a hard-left culture warrior who tries to hide her extremism in slick TV ads and campaign smears of her opponent."

Cleary continued, "Today we want to bring specific attention to two specific major Mikie hypocrisies. First, she claims to be a leader for gun control, but her second biggest contributor is the go-to law firm for the NRA. Second, she uses scare tactics to make voters believe tax reform is tanking the housing market, but at the same time, her multimillion dollar estate was just assessed at a huge increase."

Guns-Kirkland and Ellis

Mikie Says: She's pro- gun control and stands at an event with Gabby Giffords. She has attacked the NRA relentlessly:

"The organization itself, though, is a bad actor that only serves to lobby for gun manufacturers."

"Mikie Sherrill glanced at the seven or eight West Orange High School students stitting around her and complimented them for standing up to the NRA."


Mikie Does: Her second largest donor is the NRA's go-to law firm, Kirkland and Ellis. 

(https://www.opensecrets.org/races/contributors?cycle=2018&id=NJ11&spec=N; https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nra-law-firms-082607559.html)

Housing Values

Mikie Says: Home values are plummeting in North Jersey due to tax reform.

"In addition to raising taxes, the cap on SALT will drive down home prices in the district, with Essex County the worst impacted county in the United States, and all four counties in NJ-11 among the top 20."


Mikie Does: She’s selling her Montclair estate for $2,150,000.00, just after Essex County assessed it at a 19% increase post-tax reform.

(https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/176-S-Mountain-Ave-Montclair-NJ-07042/38680457_zpid/;http://tax1.co.monmouth.nj.us/cgi-bin/prc6.cgi &ms_user=monm&passwd=data&srch_type=0&adv=0&out_type=0&district=0701))


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