Mikie Sherrill Declares She'll Blow With Washington Winds

Mikie Sherrill Declares She'll Blow With Washington Winds
“Mikie Sherrill can talk about bipartisanship as soon as she does anything that is actually bipartisan.  But just as Mikie likes to talk about jobs without ever actually having created one, she likes to throw stones from the only political terrain she’s ever occupied:  an angry far-left echo chamber.  That’s why Mikie doesn’t know the difference between real leadership that knows when to take principled stands and when to find bipartisan agreement, and a run-with-the-pack mentality that only seeks affirmation and safety in a crowd," said Jay Webber.

"The people of the 11th District (and by the way, as soon as Mikie becomes one of us, please let us know) want strong leaders who do the right thing without watching what the politicians do.  Mikie Sherrill has declared that she’ll blow with the Washington winds, and our citizens don’t and won’t want someone like Mikie who announces even before the election that she’ll just do whatever party leaders like Nancy Pelosi tell her to do.  That’s what has run Washington, D.C. into the ground in the first place.”

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