Mikie Sherrill: The GOP tax bill is a tax hike on the families of New Jersey

Mikie Sherrill: The GOP tax bill is a tax hike on the families of New Jersey


Today Mikie Sherrill, Democratic candidate for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, spoke alongside Morris County residents Paul Mahler, Kellie Doucette, and Lisa Bhimani in Fairfield, New Jersey, about the negative impacts of the GOP tax bill and how it will affect the communities of New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District. Sherrill said of the plan:

“Instead of reforming our tax code to support the middle class, the Republican tax plan simply hikes taxes on New Jersey’s middle-class families in order to give huge tax cuts to big corporations and the ultra wealthy. It also increases the tax rate on small businesses, the backbone of our economy, that generate two-thirds of new jobs across our nation.

Under this plan New Jersey is one of the hardest hit states, and yet Congressman Frelinghuysen has time and again put himself, Speaker Paul Ryan, and President Trump first. There is no doubt that the middle-class families of New Jersey are left behind in this bill. I am calling on Congressman Frelinghuysen to unequivocally oppose this tax bill. If he does not want to fight for our families in New Jersey, then I am up for the challenge.”

For full remarks from Sherrill and the other speakers, please see the press conference video.

More than half of New Jersey’s 11th district uses the state and local tax deduction. If eliminated, a family of four in the district would see their taxes increase on average by $4,409. The National Federation of Independent Businesses and the New Jersey of Commerce have both come out in opposition to this bill.

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