*** MONDAY ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES *** Heat-and-Eat Boost, Help with Prepaid Property Taxes, Women’s Health Care, Domestic Violence Protections & Combating Child Trafficking Top Monday Committees
Heat-and-Eat Boost, Help with Prepaid Property Taxes, Women’s Health Care, Domestic Violence Protections & Combating Child Trafficking Top Monday Committees
Also on Tap: Jobs for Veterans, Helping the Homeless, Gestational Carrier Agreements, Sickle Cell Trait Registry, Pre-Tax Transportation Cost Benefits, Assisted Living/Nursing Home Power Restoration, Deer Control & Venison Donation, Biofuel & Electronic Benefit Cards
Discussion Also Set on Requiring Internet Providers to Keep Personal Identifying Information Confidential
(TRENTON) – Legislation to boost the heat-and-eat program, help homeowners who prepaid their property taxes because of federal tax changes, restore funding for women’s health care, improve domestic violence protections and combat child trafficking top Monday Assembly committees.
Also on tap: jobs for veterans, help for the homeless, gestational carrier agreements, pre-tax transportation cost benefits, priority power restoration for assisted living and nursing home facilities, deer control and venison donation, biofuel and protecting electronic benefit cards.
A discussion is also slated on requiring Internet providers to keep personal identifying information confidential.
The meetings are slated to begin at 10 a.m. and will be streamed live at:
- A-3010 (Mosquera/Coughlin) - Provides $21 minimum annual energy assistance to qualified families; qualifies families to receive additional nutritional assistance. 10 a.m. Women and Children.
- A-2650 (Freiman) - Recognizes residential property tax advance payments for gross income tax homestead property tax deduction; ACR-145 (Freiman) - Urges Congress to take swift action to protect New Jersey taxpayers from recently enacted federal tax legislation; and AR-177 (Freiman/Downey/Mazzeo) - Urges Congress to address the accounting of mortgage escrow prepayments through requirements on federally-chartered financial institutions. 2 p.m. State and Local Government.
- A-1656 (Pintor Marin/Lagana/Jasey/Mukherji/Downey) - Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to individuals with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level; and A-2134 (Mazzeo/Downey/Mosquera/Lampitt/Vainieri Huttle/Jimenez/Pintor Marin/ Sumter) - Makes FY 2018 supplemental appropriation of $7,453,000 to DOH for family planning services. 2 p.m. Budget.
- A-317 (Pinkin/McKeon/Sumter/Lampitt/Vainieri Huttle/Wimberly) - Establishes certain requirements for domestic violence training for certain judges and judicial personnel; A-860 (Vainieri Huttle/Downey/Mosquera/Lampitt/Benson) - Establishes mandatory domestic violence training for municipal prosecutors; A-874 (Mosquera/Downey/Chiaravalloti/Wimberly) - Requires training for law enforcement officers and assistant county prosecutors concerning handling of domestic violence cases; A-1742 (Quijano/Holley) - Clarifies intent of Legislature that attempt or conspiracy to commit certain offenses may constitute acts of domestic violence; and A-1747 (Quijano/Vainieri Huttle) - Adds new civil penalties and increases surcharges imposed on domestic violence offenders; establishes "Domestic Violence Victims' Legal Assistance Fund.” 10 a.m. Judiciary.
- The Assembly Women and Children at 10 a.m. will take testimony on child trafficking issues affecting the state and then consider - A-1428 (McKnight/Chaparro/Chiaravalloti/Huttle) - Establishes Child Trafficking Awareness Pilot Program in DOE to train school district staff to identify student victims.
- A-372 (Jimenez/Quijano) - Waives certain commercial driver license fees for veterans and spouses of veterans; A-373 (Jimenez) - Waives certain professional and occupational licensing fees for veterans and spouses of veterans; and A-2162 (Wimberly/Sumter) - Allows person on police officer or firefighter eligible list who is unable to complete requirements for employment due to certain military service to have name placed on subsequent eligible list. 10 a.m. Military and Veterans’ Affairs.
- A-1277 (Tucker) - Requires hospitals and homeless shelters to provide information on services and resources to individuals who are homeless or military veterans; A-1730 (Vainieri Huttle/Mukherji/Wimberly) - Prohibits emergency homeless shelters from conditioning provision of shelter on enrollment in certain programs; A-1731 (Vainieri Huttle/Wimberly) - Requires emergency shelters for the homeless to admit certain persons unless they pose danger. 2 p.m. Human Services.
- A-2184 (Conaway/Wimberly) - Establishes central registry for sickle cell trait diagnoses; provides for informational outreach and genetic counseling. 2 p.m. Budget.
- A-2425 (Benson) - Requires certain employers to provide certain pre-tax transportation fringe benefits. 10 a.m. Transportation.
- A-1704 (Huttle/Quijano/Jasey) - Authorizes certain gestational carrier agreements. 10 a.m. Women and Children.
- A-3242 (Andrzejczak) - Permits certain deer control activities; prohibits deer feeding; and establishes check-off donation on hunting license applications to support venison donation program. 1 p.m. Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- A-436 (Schaer/Jimenez/Wimberly/Caride/Mukherji/Benson/Quijano) - Requires electric public utilities to provide priority power restoration to certain medical facilities, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. 2 p.m. Homeland Security and State Preparedness.
- The Assembly Human Services Committee at 2 p.m. will take testimony on complaints of fraud on the distribution of public assistance benefits from the service provider contracted by the state; and A-2191 (Downey) – Establishes oversight and accountability for electronic benefits cards issued for public assistance benefits by DHS.
- The Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee at 2 p.m. will discuss whether to require Internet service providers to keep confidential and prohibit any disclosure, sale, or unauthorized access to subscriber's personally identifiable information unless subscriber authorizes Internet service provider in writing to disclose information.
- A-1344 (Gusciora) - Allows electric energy produced from biofuel to be eligible as Class II renewable energy. 2 p.m. Science, Innovation and Technology.