Monmouth County Dems Tout Election Victories

On November 6th, the Blue Wave swept New Jersey with many victories at the state and local levels! Grassroots organizing took place in over half of our municipalities in Monmouth County. Most importantly, Democrats took back the House this November! Thank you to everyone who helped make phone calls and knock on doors - we reached tens of thousands of voters in Monmouth County!

We are proud that our own Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. won his re-election decisively! The Congressman will now chair the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee in Washington, D.C. He also played a role in electing 4 new Democrats to the House in New Jersey - Jeff Van Drew in District 1, Andy Kim in District 3, Tom Malinowski in District 7 and Mikie Sherrill in District 11.


10 Democratic Pickups
2 Republican Pickups2016
9 Democratic Pickups

3 Republican Pickups

8 Democratic Pickups
1 Republican Pickup

12 Democratic Pickups

6 Republican Pickups

39 Democratic Pickups since 2015
12 Republican Pickups since 2015In a county that Republican Bob Hugin carried by 28,000 votes and Donald Trump carried by 30,000 votes - and that no statewide Democrat has won in 18 years, Monmouth Democrats have made extraordinary gains - block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood - grassroots as it should be!

Monmouth Democrats also scored major wins at the local level!

Democrats kept Asbury Park ALL Democratic. Congratulations to Mayor John Moor and Councilman Jesse Kindle on their re-election.

Democrats continue to hold a majority in Atlantic Highlands.

Democrats have maintained a majority in Eatontown.

Freehold Borough kept its Council all Democratic with the re-election of Councilwoman Sharon Shutzer and Councilwoman-Elect Annette Jordan.

Democrats won a big election in Howell with the election of Councilman-Elect John "Bon" Bonevich - adding their first Democrat to the Council.

Interlaken picked up two seats with Councilwoman-Elect Margaret Maloney and Councilman-Elect Arthur Fama Jr.

Democrats kept Keyport ALL Democratic -electing their first female Mayor, Collette Kennedy! Congratulations to Councilman Matt Goode and Councilman-Elect Dennis Fotopoulos.

Democrats swept Lake Como continuing to keep it 7-0.

Manasquan Democrats kept its council with a majority with the re-election of Councilman James Walsh and Councilman-Elect Jason Bryant.

Democrats have maintained a majority in Matawan with the re-elections of Councilman Nick Reeve and David Vergaretti.

Democrats had a monumental victory in Neptune City, electing Councilmembers-Elect David Calhoun and Michelle Lewis - taking the majority.

Congratulations to Mayor Nick Williams and Committeeman Michael Brantley on a big victory keeping Neptune Township 5-0 Democrats.

Democrats defeated Republicans in Red Bank giving us full control of the governing body- electing their first Muslim-American Hazim Yassin! Also congratulations to Mayor Pat Menna and Councilwoman-Elect Kate Triggiano.

Democrats swept Roosevelt continuing the all Democratic governing body.

Congratulations to Councilman Marc Leckstein in Sea Bright winning as the top vote-getter.

In Spring Lake, Councilwoman Syd Whalley and Councilman Robert Drasheff were re-elected.

Committeeman Ed Nolan won re-election in Shrewsbury Township by a landslide!

We had close races at the congressional and county level. Josh Welle held the closest CD-4 race against Congressman Chris Smith in his 38 years in office. Freeholder candidates, Amber Gesslein and Larry Luttrell held a competitive race against the Republicans-knocking on over 20,000 doors this election cycle.

Democrats also ran strong local races in Belmar, Fair Haven, Freehold Township, Hazlet, Holmdel, Little Silver, Manalapan, Middletown, Millstone, Rumson, Shrewsbury Boro, Spring Lake Heights and Wall. We are proud of all of them.

As the holidays approach, we will take time to celebrate with our friends and family. In March 2019, we will need to gear up to defend our Assembly members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey. As well as, run competitive campaigns again at the county and state level.

Thank you as always to all of our volunteers, donors and supporters who helped us achieve these victories.


David G. Brown
Chairman, Monmouth County Democrats

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