Monmouth County Officials Attend New Jersey Election Security Tabletop Training Exercise

Monmouth County Officials Attend New Jersey
Election Security Tabletop Training Exercise

PRINCETON, NJ – Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon attended the
New Jersey Election Security and Preparedness Tabletop Exercise (TTX) in Princeton
on Tuesday, Sept. 10, alongside fellow County election officials, and representatives
from the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, and the County’s Office of
Emergency Management and Information Technology Services.

This first of its kind in New Jersey training event
was hosted by the New Jersey Division of
Elections, U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, and New Jersey Office of Homeland
Security and Preparedness in an effort to work
with State election officials to identify the best
practices and areas for improvement in
emergency and cyber incident planning and

During the event, Monmouth County election officials
participated in tabletop exercises (TTX) that simulated
attacks on election systems, as well as other types of
emergencies that could impact elections. They also
participated in discussions with cyber and selection
experts to improve election emergency preparedness.

“The New Jersey Election TTX Training was a great opportunity to test our
emergency planning by being faced with a variety of emergency scenarios,” said
Clerk Hanlon. “All of the scenarios presented were real election problems that had
occurred in the past in different areas of the country. Participating in this exercise
helped us to evaluate emergency planning we have already done and to learn from the
experts about other ways to improve our election protocol.”

“Preparing for election emergencies, whether they
are physical or cybersecurity related, is a top priority
for the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office and all of
the Monmouth County elections and emergency
management officials,” said Clerk Hanlon. “We are
actively collaborating with the State of New Jersey,
the Monmouth County Office of Emergency
Management and the Monmouth County
Prosecutor’s Office to be ready for all types of
emergencies. Maintaining the public trust in our
election system is a top priority for all of us.”

Through events like this, County, state, and federal officials are working together to
secure the integrity of elections and the overall elections process.

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