Montclair GOP Calls for the Resignation of Joe Biden


May 3, 2023


Montclair, New Jersey — Montclair Republican County Committee Chairman Michael D. Byrne today called for the immediate resignation of President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. for high crimes and misdemeanors.


“Joe Biden took a career in public service and turned it into a massive influence-peddling business benefiting nearly everyone in his family,” Byrne said.  “It’s time for Biden to step aside and make his financial records fully transparent for law enforcement authorities.”


Byrne was reacting to breaking news that House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has subpoenaed credible documentation in the possession of the FBI confirming what most Americans already knew: that Joe Biden traded government favors for cash to fund a lavish lifestyle for himself, his immediate family, and his extended family.


“The Obama Administration knew Joe Biden was corrupt, but they propped-up his flawed candidacy in a self-serving desire to save the Obama legacy of big government at home and weakness abroad,” Byrne said.  “Now the truth is coming out: Joe Biden is guilty of bribery, money-laundering, influence-peddling, and obstruction of justice.”


Byrne said the only option is for Biden is to resign and consign his sad chapter of American history to the past so that a new generation of leaders can get back to the business of respecting American laws and serving the American people.


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