Morris County Democratic Chairman Chip Robinson: The Dodd Team is using Republican voter suppression tactics in recent law suit

Morris County Democratic Chairman Chip Robinson: The Dodd Team is using Republican voter suppression tactics in recent law suit



MORRIS PLAINS - I was incredibly proud this year to support a slate of real Democratic candidates running under the banner of “Dover First” against the current members of Dover’s governing body, who are, for the most part, Republicans masquerading as Democrats. With the MCDC’s support, Dover First swept the primary election, winning nearly 60% of the vote town-wide against the Dodd Team.

Yesterday, despite a recount doubling our margin of victory in the key 4th Ward, the Dodd Team continued their desperate attempt to retain power. Despite their overwhelming loss, they filed a legal challenge to the primary election results in the 4th Ward, something almost unheard of after a 5-point margin of victory.

It seems that finally, the Dodd Team has unmasked themselves for the Republicans they really are, as they are represented in the case by Morris County Republican leader Alan Zakin. Zakin has been the Executive Director of the Morris Republican Victory PAC and has been the attorney representing Republican candidates against us in most general election recounts over the years.

Carlos Valencia, our candidate in the 4th Ward, worked tirelessly to meet with the voters of Dover and aspire to represent their issues on what has been an insular and unresponsive governing body. The fact of the matter is that, whether or not the Dodd Team wants to accept it, Carlos defeated incumbent Alderman Ron Camacho fair and square.

Alderman Camacho’s loss in a Democratic primary should not have been too surprising. He has run as a Republican in Dover in the past and has never lifted a finger to help fellow Democratic candidates on the ballot.

What is most bothersome, however, is the voter suppression tactics the Dodd Team is attempting to use to overturn the 4th Ward election results. Their claims of voters casting ballots illegally come straight from the Donald Trump Republican playbook.

The voters of Dover should have no fear, particularly from their municipal government, about going to the polls on Election Day. Whether you vote in person or by mail, your voice matters and your vote should count. The MCDC stands firm in support of all eligible citizens in Dover being allowed to cast their ballots without fear and we will do whatever is necessary to protect every one of those voters.

Chip Robinson

Chairman, Morris County Democratic Committee

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