Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus Endorses Rupande Mehta for LD-25 State Senate and Darcy Draeger for LD-25 State Assembly

ON CAMERA: LD25 candidate Draeger.

March 3, 2020 – The Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus announces their endorsement of Rupande Mehta (Denville) for Legislative District 25 State Senate and Darcy Draeger (Chester) for Legislative District 25 State Assembly.

The Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus (MCDWC) was started in 2018 and seeks to educate and empower women to become more involved in the political process. The Caucus felt it was important to take a leadership role and endorse the Democratic women running for office in the LD-25 special election. Furthermore, MCDWC is endorsing these women not because they are the only women in the race, but because they both stand strongest with their records connecting with voters and consistently discussing policy and issues affecting residents in LD-25. This is what is needed to win in November.

“Both Rupande Mehta and Darcy Draeger have strong track records to build upon with voters in this district and both are known for their hard work and perseverance in running their races and meeting voters,” said Meghan Lynch, MCDWC Chair. Darcy Draeger was recognized as the top canvasser among State-level candidates in 2019 and Rupande Mehta knocked on over 3000 doors as a candidate for Morris County Freeholder in 2018.  Both women are strong team players.

In addition to their strong records of voter connection, both candidates presented a prepared and professional approach to the race in the LD-25 State Candidates forum in Boonton, co-sponsored by the MCDWC and the Morris County Young Democrats. “Both candidates are running their campaigns based on state-level policy and issues. I have no doubt that they are ready for the State legislature and no doubt they can win these seats in November,” said Caucus Chair Meghan Lynch.

“More women are coming forward to run for office. It is invaluable to have an organization like the Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus to support women and women’s issues. I am honored to have the support of the Women’s Caucus, and the recognition of the strength of my campaign, solidly grounded on the issues affecting LD-25 voters” said Rupande Mehta.

“I am sincerely grateful for the MCDCWC’s endorsement. I believe a government that more fully reflects the diversity of its constituents is better positioned to capture new ideas and innovative solutions to benefit everyone. Representation matters: Women bring different priorities and experiences to public life, including perspectives that have been largely absent in public policymaking.“ said Darcy Draeger.

About the Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus: The MCDWC seeks to educate and empower women to become more involved in the political process. The Caucus will identify, develop and support both candidates and campaign operatives to harness the energy of and provide a supportive foundation for democratic women in Morris County, New Jersey.

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