Morris County Democrats: Dover Mayor James Dodd Needs to Stop Pretending to be a Democrat

Morris County Democrats: Dover Mayor James Dodd Needs to Stop Pretending to be a Democrat
In several of Dover Mayor James Dodd’s recent social media posts, he has referred to himself as “Democratic Mayor James Dodd.” Mayor Dodd left the Democratic party earlier this year and is seeking re-election as an Independent in this November general election. Even before leaving the party, the former Democrat has demonstrated a striking pattern of aligning himself with Republican candidates and elected officials at the expense of other Democrats. He has campaigned with Republican candidates, endorsed the unethical Governor Chris Christie, and stated to several community members that he voted for President Donald Trump.
The Trump-loving Dodd has also shown flagrant disregard for our democracy by electioneering during events paid for with taxpayer dollars and publicly harassing and intimidating his political opponents and their supporters.
If Mayor Dodd is going to continue campaigning with Republicans, he might as well tell Dover residents the truth instead of trying to confuse them. He is not a Democrat and should stop pretending that he is.
The Morris County Democratic Committee has endorsed Carolyn Blackman, a true Democrat and lifelong public servant for Mayor of Dover in this November general election.