Morris County Drive-Thru Test Site Open Thursday and Friday



Nurses in full protective gear wait for patients at CCM drive-thru center

Nurses in full protective gear wait for patients at CCM drive-thru center

Morris County, in coordination with Atlantic Health System, will continue COVID-19 testing all week through Friday, April 8, at the drive-thru center for Morris County residents only located at the County College of Morris (CCM) in Randolph.

The center will be open on Thursday and Friday, during this period of religious holidays, due to the nature of the current health crisis.

Residents must arrive in a vehicle (no walkups, motorcyles, bicycles); must have identification, an appointment and a prescription from a medical provider. It is preferred, for the benefit of the medical volunteers, that you have printed copy of a prescription. If you have no alternative, a prescription can be displayed on your phone.

To make an appointment visit

The Morris County COVID-19 Drive-Thru Testing Site is located at CCM, Dover Chester Road, Randolph, NJ 07869. Residents with appointments must use the Dover Chester Road entrance to access the site:

photo shows car waiting in line at testing center

Resident in car waiting for testing

Specially equipped nurses continue to persevere through this difficult situation, providing tests to more than 1,000 Morris County residents so far. More than 200 appointments per day are being handled at the test center.

Testing  has run smoothly thanks to assistance of the Morris County Sheriff’s Office, Morris County Park Police and Randolph Police departments, and County College of Morris security and officials who have worked closely with the Morris County Office of Emergency Management.


  • Testing is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • To be tested, residents MUST:
    • have a COVID-19 test prescription from a healthcare provider
    • read and acknowledge the consent form
    • make an appointment
  • Persons WILL be turned away if they don’t meet all of these qualifications.
  • Residents with a prescription can move forward to scheduling an appointment after acknowledging the waiver.
  • Please sign up for an appointment at:
  • Registration will begin at 10 a.m. each day for appointments two days in advance.
  • Residents may not sign up for an appointment until they get a prescription from a healthcare provider. If a resident is symptomatic, call your doctor as soon as possible. Visit CDC for information on symptoms:
  • There is no charge for the test


  • Your ID (any others that have an appointment in same vehicle) and appointment verification for all potential clients will be confirmed before entry is permitted.
  • NO photographing or video recording is permitted
  • Please pay attention to all signage which is in English and Spanish
  • ALL vehicle windows must remain CLOSED
  • DO NOT ROLL DOWN ANY VEHICLE WINDOW until instructed to do so
  • Do NOT move forward until instructed to do so
  • There are no emergency services available at the testing location. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please go to the nearest hospital emergency room or dial 911
  • If you included an email address when you scheduled your appointment, you will receive an email on how you can obtain your test results from the laboratory’s portal. You should receive an email with 48 hours of your test.

If you have questions, you can call the County Hotline at 973-829-8250, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

For more information on COVID-19 and Morris County’s response, visit

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