Morris County Freeholders Unanimously Endorse Rosemary Becchi for Congress

Morris County Freeholders Unanimously Endorse Rosemary Becchi for Congress
“Morris County Needs Rosemary Becchi in Congress”
Morristown, NJ - All seven members of the Morris County’s Board of Chosen Freeholders announced today they are endorsing Rosemary Becchi’s campaign to take back New Jersey's 11th District Congressional seat this November.
Freeholder Director Deborah Smith and Deputy Director Stephen H. Shaw, along with Board Members Douglas R. Cabana, Kathryn A. DeFillippo, John Krickus, Thomas J. Mastrangelo and Tayfun Selen issued a joint statement of endorsement:
“Morris County needs Rosemary Becchi in Congress because she has the experience, energy and expertise to advocate for policies in Washington that will lessen the financial burdens that over-regulation and big government spending have placed on our families. We work diligently each day in Morris County government to maintain our high quality of life in this county, and we have again adopted a county budget that maintains and expands critical services without a rise in the county tax rate. But our job will become impossible unless we start electing qualified people like Rosemary to Congress — people we can depend on to work with us to end reckless state and federal policies that are making New Jersey unaffordable for working families.”
Rosemary thanked the board for their strong endorsement.
“I am truly grateful for this support from the Morris County Freeholders, who I have spoken to individually about the financial challenges faced by every family in New Jersey and the need to fix what is broken in government. I will work closely with them when I get to Congress to ensure I am effective in representing the people of the 11th District and responsive to their needs,” said Rosemary.