Morris and Sussex County Faith and Community Organizations Rallies Against Muslim and Refugee Bans

Rallies Against Muslim and Refugee Bans


Jefferson, N.J. –  A group of Morris and Sussex County faith and community organizations is inviting everyone to stand up for human rights and the U.S. Constitution on October 7th, 2017 to raise awareness about the Trump administration’s discriminatory Muslim and refugee bans. There will be rallies on both the Newton Green and around the Morristown Green starting at 3:00pm.


Organizers say that this is the time when people in this country must unite against the forces trying to divide us. No people deserve to be discriminated against because of where they were born, or the color of their skin, or their language or religion, sexual orientation, or gender. We are all human, and we must stand up for our human family, get to know each other in peace, and work together to solve our mutual problems. These bans, along with the elimination of DACA, the drive for increased deportations, the threats against LGTBQ rights, and the increasingly massive military budgets, are all part of an agenda that threatens everyone in this country and around the world.


Volunteers, co-sponsors, and speakers are still being sought, to make this a day that shows the world that we will stand united against fear and hate in our communities and in our country. Not just on this day, but on all days.


All are welcome to join us in love and solidarity.


If you would like to know more about our day’s events, or if you would like to sign up, please email or call 973-251-9979.


In Newton, follow this event page on Facebook for updates:


In Morristown, follow this event page on Facebook for updates:



About the campaign


The #NoMuslimBanEver campaign is a grassroots awareness and mobilization effort that will happen in the weeks leading up to and on October 18, 2017, when Muslim Ban 3.0 will take effect.


Soon, the Supreme Court of the United States will also be hearing two cases about the first two Muslim and refugee bans, Trump v. Int'l Refugee Assistance Project and Trump v. Hawaii. The Supreme Court will decide whether the executive order from the Trump Administration that temporarily bans travel from six Muslim-majority countries (Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) and suspends the refugee admissions process violates the Establishment Clause and Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution. These cases were scheduled to be heard on October 10, 2017, but have been delayed at this time.


The Muslim and refugee bans are discriminatory, unconstitutional and inhumane in the same vein as the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Japanese American incarceration, and special registration after 9/11. We must remember history and raise our voices, both in the critical weeks before the SCOTUS hearing and in the months ahead. Join us in declaring No. Muslim. Ban. Ever.


The campaign is being organized and led by the following organizations, Asian Americans Advancing Justice –Asian Law Caucus, Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)’s San Francisco-Bay Area chapter, MPower Change, and the MASA Organizing team, in partnership with allies including refugee rights groups, Indivisible, and others.


These local actions are co-sponsored by the Green Party of Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties, the Islamic Center of Morris County, Wind Of The Spirit Immigrant Resource Center, and more.





Theresa Markila


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