Mundell Campaign Files Over 700 Petition Signatures for June Primary

Mundell Campaign Files Over 700 Petition Signatures for June Primary

Mundell Will Run With Councilwoman Monica Charris Tabares


BLOOMFIELD, NJ – Democratic mayoral candidate Jenny Mundell filed over 700 nominating petition signatures on Monday to place her on the ballot in the June Primary Election for Bloomfield Mayor. Running to become the first woman to serve as Mayor, Councilwoman Mundell will run with recently appointed Councilwoman at-Large Monica Charris Tabares and the Essex County Democratic Committee slate. Councilwoman Mundell submitted nearly 15 times more than the required 50 signatures to be placed on the ballot, showcasing the strong grassroots support behind her campaign.

“Ever since we launched this campaign in January the response we’ve received from the community has been tremendous, and the fact that we were able to gather over 700 signed petitions in a short period of time shows the momentum we’re building,” said Councilwoman Mundell. “Bloomfield Democrats know that we need a Mayor who understands how to get things done and who will build on the progress we’ve made, not try to tear it all down for political gain. I’m excited to move forward further into the campaign and to have the opportunity to share my vision for how we can make Bloomfield an ever better place to live and raise a family.”

Councilwoman Mundell has been endorsed by Assemblyman and former mayor Mike Venezia (D-34), as well as County Commission President and former councilman Carlos Pomares and Councilwoman Sarah Cruz. She will be announcing additional endorsements in the coming weeks.

About Jenny Mundell:

First appointed to the Township Council in 2017, Jenny Mundell has since won re-election three times and has worked tirelessly to serve the community. She has lived in Bloomfield for nearly 15 years along with her husband and son, and she works as a Vice President of Development at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. As Mayor, Jenny will work to continue the progress that has been made in the community while focusing on open, transparent government, balanced and responsible economic development, public safety and community involvement.

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