Municipal Innovation Summit Announces Panelists for March 14th Summit

Municipal Innovation Summit Announces Panelists for March 14th Summit


Paramus, New Jersey - Municipal Innovation Summit today announced the full line up of speakers and panelists for their March 14th Summit in Paramus, New Jersey. The summit is a yearly conference that educates municipal officials on cutting-edge and innovative best practices in municipal government. This year, the Municipal Innovation Summit will take place on March 14th at Bergen County Community College.


The Municipal Innovation Summit is led by Chairman Ken DeRoberts, and Board Members: Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton and Berkeley Heights Mayor Angie Devanney. The Municipal Innovation Summit gives government officials an opportunity to network and learn from municipal and private sector leaders. Knowledge sharing is a vitally important means of enhancing and improving public sector operations. Learning from other communities’ innovative and best practices helps government leaders provide better service to their constituents.


The Summit’s Keynote Address will be given by Senate President Steve Sweeney followed by break-out sessions that will include:


Enhanced Constituent Communication Techniques
Thought Leaders: Maxwell Stolfe, Direct Development, LLC
Liza Viana, Business Administrator, Berkeley Heights


Developing your Downtown
Thought Leaders: Christiana Foglio, CIS Inc.

Thomas Arnone, Freeholder, Monmouth County

Stuart Koperweis, Economic Development Strategies



Budget Strategies that Work

Thought Leaders: Tim Cunningham, Archer Greiner, former Director of Local Govt Services

Steve Wielkotz, CPA, Wielkotz and Company


Cybersecurity Issues Elected Officials Must be Aware of

Thought Leaders: Jennifer Naughton, Mayor Spring Lake

Bryan Schaeffer, Ocean First Bank

Jack Flood, Spatial Data Logic


The Municipal Innovation summit is free to attend and will take place this Saturday, March 14th, 2020 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Anyone wishing to attend should visit to RSVP.

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