Murphy Administration To Announce Major New Funding Program For Supportive Housing

Murphy Administration To Announce Major New Funding Program For
Supportive Housing
WHO: New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) Executive Director Charles A. Richman
WHAT: Announcement of a major new funding source – the first new agency funding in seven years – to provide supportive and affordable housing opportunities statewide.
The announcement will be made as part of the grand opening of Freedom Village at West Windsor, developed by Project Freedom, which will provide 72 apartments affordable to individuals and families, including 18 for residents with special needs.
The populations to be served under the new program include: disabled and homeless veterans; homeless individuals and families; individuals with mental illness, and physical and developmental disabilities; victims of domestic violence; individuals in treatment for substance abuse; ex-offenders and youth offenders; youth aging out of foster care; runaway and homeless youth; individuals with AIDS/HIV; individuals 18 years and over coming out of nursing homes; and individuals in other emerging special needs groups identified by state agencies.
WHEN: March 3, 11 a.m.
WHERE: Old Bear Brook Road
West Windsor, N.J.