Murphy Bill to Create Task Force on Driver Distractions Advanced by Committee
Murphy Bill to Create Task Force on Driver Distractions Advanced by Committee
(TRENTON) – According to the State Division of Highway Traffic Safety, distracted driving is a very dangerous epidemic in New Jersey. Legislation to create a task force to study and make recommendations about the impact of driver distractions on road and highway safety was approved Monday by the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee.
The bill (A-2499) is sponsored by Assemblywoman Carol Murphy (D-Burlington) who issued the following statement:
“Distracted driving is a truly dangerous and potentially deadly epidemic in New Jersey and was cited as a major contributing factor in over 817,000 motor vehicle crashes in our state. The task force recommendations will include a suggestion for the development of a public information campaign to raise awareness of the risks associated with driver distractions and to educate New Jerseyans on ways to limit those risks. We need this task force to be created as soon as possible. Its recommendations could literally save lives.”