Fuel Merchants, NJ State Assoc of Pipe Trades, and NJ Propane Gas Assoc Call Out Murphy’s Outrageously Expensive and Unconstitutional Electrification Mandate
TRENTON — Eric DeGesero, on behalf of the Fuel Merchants Association of New Jersey and the New Jersey Propane Gas Association, and Mike Maloney on behalf of the New Jersey State Association of Pipe Trades, denounced Governor Murphy’s hypocrisy surrounding his outrageously expensive building electrification mandate — which is set to be approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities on July 26th.
On Good Day New York last week, Governor Murphy stated he’s suing the MTA because “we believe the feds short-circuited the normal review process” when implementing the commuter tax. Murphy also said the plan gave him “sticker shock” and the price was “too prohibitive”.
“Governor Murphy complaining about a 'short circuited process' that will cost commuters $5,000 a year giving him ‘sticker shock’ is the height of hypocrisy,” said Eric DeGesero on behalf of the Fuel Merchants Association of New Jersey and the New Jersey Propane Gas Association. “This is coming from a governor who is taking our gas stoves and furnaces -- without following the constitutional process for enacting a law and which will cost homeowners tens of thousands of dollars and renters, businesses, and taxpayers millions.
“But then again, this is the kind of hypocrisy we’ve come to expect from a Governor who said, ’no one is coming for your gas stove’, while at the same time directing his BPU to issue an order to take away gas stoves and furnaces,” DeGesero continued.
“Whether it’s mandating electric cars or electrifying their homes, middle class New Jersey families cannot afford these extreme policies,” said Mike Maloney, on behalf of the New Jersey State Association of Pipe Trades. “The Legislature needs to step in and stop this expensive mandate that will burden every New Jersey homeowner, business, and renter.”
The BPU is fast-tracked to consider the Governor’s mandated electrification policy on Wednesday, July 26th, even though the director of Division of Rate Counsel agrees the BPU has no such authority to regulate carbon emissions.
DeGesero added, “Additionally, there are some who will say ‘this is not a mandate.’ To that we would ask, ‘what else do you call forced building electrification?’ New Jersey legislators need to stop this outrageously expensive electrification plan that, as Governor Murphy would say, 'short-circuits' the legislative process."