Murphy: “We Are Better Than This”

Murphy: “We Are Better Than This”
Newark — Murphy for Governor this morning began running a new television ad, “Bridges,” a 30-second spot which further delineates the choices facing voters in three weeks. The ad is running statewide and also is being backed by an aggressive online advertising and social media campaign.

With the George Washington Bridge in the background, and after listing the failures of Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno, Murphy says, “We are better than this.” The ad reminds people that the Bridgegate scandal is a symbol of an administration that put political ambition ahead of the public good.

The ad puts the choice facing voters in stark relief — a Kim Guadagno administration that would continue Chris Christie’s politically driven agenda of tax cuts for the wealthiest and largest corporations and ignoring vital investments in public schools and infrastructure, or a Phil Murphy administration that would invest in New Jersey and its people to grow the economy and create jobs.

“Their biggest triumph was a traffic jam. Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno’s failures shortchanged our future,” Murphy says. “After eight years, incomes are down, costs are up, and our economy is crawling. Christie and Guadagno left New Jersey stuck. I’m serious about moving New Jersey forward.”


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