Murphy’s Good Words in SF: Need Action in NJ
Murphy’s Good Words in SF: Need Action in NJ
Today Governor Murphy spoke at the global Climate Action Summit 2018 in San Francisco, California. He announced New Jersey’s goal to reach 3,500 megawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030; the largest and most ambitious wind energy solicitation schedule in the nation. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:
“Governor Murphy speaking at a national clean energy conference, highlighting New Jersey moving forward in advancing renewable energy is important. He wants to make New Jersey a leader on offshore wind and reach the goal of 3,500 MW of offshore wind by 2030. To reach Governor Murphy’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050 in New Jersey, we must be sure that our policies are supporting renewable energy and stopping fossil fuel projects that increase greenhouse gasses. We applaud Murphy’s goals and his words, but know there’s a long way to go to make offshore wind a reality and reduce climate impacts. He has to put some action behind those words.
“We will never reach these goals unless the Governor stops dirty fossil fuel projects. This includes putting a moratorium on new gas-fired power plants and pipelines and banning fracking within the entire Delaware Valley. Our state is being threatened by dozens of fossil fuel projects including pipelines in the Pinelands, and the 4 natural gas power plants including a mega-plant proposed in the Meadowlands that would create 5 million metric tons of greenhouse gasses. If built, these projects will impede our renewable energy goals while increasing climate impacting and creating more pollution. Unless he stops fossil fuel projects, all his words on renewable energy will be nothing but hot air.
“Instead of spending money on our wind program, Murphy signed the $300 million nuclear subsidy bill, dedicating 40% of New Jersey’s power to nuclear energy. This will be a roadblock to renewable energy and may crash our solar market in as little as a year. If our current solar program ends, it will cost us 7,000 jobs. We also have a cost-cap on renewable energy, but not on natural gas, nuclear, or coal. This cap means we’ll set aside our RPS in 2020. If Governor Murphy is really committed to climate change, then he must change New Jersey’s laws and policies. We need to put in place actual rules for offshore wind and protecting solar power. While he signed an EO to rejoin RGGI, we are still nowhere near actually rejoining.
“While he’s speaking about climate change in California, here in New Jersey we’re not moving forward. We are not fighting sea level rise and increased storm surges because of our failure to use the most up-to-date scientific data. We need to create a Coastal Adaptation and Mitigation Plan as well as stop developing in flood-prone areas. Murphy must also fulfill his promise to replace Christie’s weakened versions of environmental and water protection rules with better ones. This includes the Flood Hazard Rules, Wetlands Rules, Highlands Septic Density Rules, and Coastal Zone Management Rules. You can say you want to combat climate change but if you are not regulating greenhouse gases, then you are not doing anything about climate change.
“The Governor went to San Francisco to talk about climate change and offshore wind. When he comes home to New Jersey, he has a lot of work to do. We need to use renewable energy to create green jobs and a green economy, while stopping dirty power plants and other fossil fuel infrastructure from taking over the state. We need Governor Murphy to display strong leadership and action in fighting climate change and promoting renewable energy. Instead of press releases and executive orders, Murphy must pass the laws and regulations to make these things happen."