N.J. Assemblywoman Carol Murphy (NJ-7) Helps DRBC Announce  Delaware Basin Summer Photo Contest Winners

N.J. Assemblywoman Carol Murphy (NJ-7) Helps DRBC Announce  Delaware Basin Summer Photo Contest Winners
ASW Murphy presented resolutions for the winners at DRBC’s Business Meeting

WEST TRENTON, N.J. (September 16) – At the DRBC’s third-quarter Business Meeting last week, Assemblywoman Carol Murphy (NJ-7) presented Joint Legislative Resolutions from the State of New Jersey for the winners of the commission’s 2019 Summer Delaware River Basin Photo Contest.  Assemblywoman Murphy, a hobbyist photographer, was the guest judge for this season, which included a public contest and one run concurrently for DRBC staff.


The photo contest judging team, in addition to the Assemblywoman, included DRBC staff.  They chose Carl LaVO’s photograph, titled Easy Chairs on a Hot, Summer Day, as the winner of the public contest, and chose DRBC Water Quality Intern Scott Jedrusiak’s The Light Within as the winner of the staff contest.

“I am pleased to be able to present these Joint Legislative Resolutions from the State of New Jersey recognizing Carl and Scott as the summer photo contest winners,” said Assemblywoman Murphy.  “This photo contest is a great way to connect with those that live, work, and play in the river basin and share what they love about it.  The winning photos represent the beauty of our water resources that the DRBC works to protect for current and future generations.”


Carl LaVO was unable to attend in person to accept his certificate but is very appreciative of the honor.  “My buddy and I came across this scene during a bike ride on N.J.’s Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath one hot July day,” said LaVO, an author, columnist, journalist, and former Bucks County Courier Times Editor from Levittown, Pa.  “We so wanted to cool off in those chairs, but access prevented us, so we continued on.”


“Carl’s photograph stood out for its contrasts: the rushing water versus the peaceful image of the easy chairs, as well as the juxtaposition of dark and light,” said Assemblywoman Murphy.  “It evokes a story just waiting to be told, perhaps while relaxing in those chairs being cooled by the water’s flow.”


Mr. Jedrusiak has been an intern with DRBC for almost two years and is in his junior year at Temple University studying Environmental Science; unfortunately, class prevented him from attending the meeting to accept his resolution.  “I enjoy exploring the tri-state area and taking photos in 35mm with my Pentax K1000,” said Jedrusiak.  “I always have my camera with me, so when a colleague suggested paddling the Crosswicks Creek, a N.J. Delaware River tidal tributary, I was pleased to be at the right place and time to capture this sunset scene.”


“Scott’s photo captured the serenity of twilight, when the sun’s last rays beam through the clouds,” said Murphy.  “It reminds us that even as the sun sets, our waterways are always there, awaiting the new day.”


DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini accepted the resolutions on behalf of Mr. LaVO and Mr. Jedrusiak.  Their winning images will be featured on the commission’s website at https://www.nj.gov/drbc/basin/photo/2019summer-photo-contest.html and on DRBC’s Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr social media sites.  The photos will also be published in the commission’s 2019 annual report, and the winners will receive certificates of recognition.


The commission thanks everyone who submitted photos this season.  The contest’s purpose is to highlight photography representing the beauty, diversity, function, and significance of the water resources of the Delaware River Basin, a 13,539-square mile watershed.  Approximately 13.3 million people rely on the water resources of the Delaware River Basin to support a variety of significant uses including public drinking water, agriculture, power generation, recreation, fisheries, and aquatic life.


The DRBC is a federal/interstate government agency responsible for managing the water resources within the Delaware River Basin without regard to political boundaries.  The five commission members are the governors of the basin states (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) and the commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ North Atlantic Division, who represents the federal government.


To learn more about the commission, please visit www.drbc.gov or follow DRBC on Twitter at @DRBC1961.


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