N.J. Chamber of Commerce Statement on The Star-Ledger Article on Sexual Harassment, Assault |
The recent Star-Ledger/nj.com article (“#MeToo Was Supposed to Fix Things”) was extremely disturbing and absolutely necessitates more aggressive solutions to the issues of sexual harassment and assault. As noted in the article, the State Chamber does not tolerate sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind and we look forward to participating in any way possible to assist in finding solutions. Our mission has always been to make New Jersey a better place to live and work, and our contribution to rectifying this serious problem will enhance that goal. |
About the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce is a business advocacy organization that represents its members on a wide range of business and education issues. Based in Trenton, the organization also links the state’s local and regional chambers on issues of importance through its grassroots legislative network. For more information, visit njchamber.com |
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