NA Democrats Balwierczak & Yampaglia Host Candidate Meet & Greet 10/30


Meet the Candidates at the Arlington Diner beginning at 7pm

Just 28 days to go as Democrats outpace Republicans in early ballot voting!


NORTH ARLINGTON – John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia will be hosting a candidate meet & greet on Wednesday, October 30th at the Arlington Diner beginning at 7pm.

The event is being sponsored by the North Arlington Democratic Committee and light refreshments will be served.

The Democrats are excited by the response in the streets and have committed themselves to knocking on doors every day until Tuesday, November 5th.

“We have successfully controlled the discussion in this campaign. And the topic of conversation is rampant Republican overdevelopment topped with a property tax hike that could have been avoided. We want to work with the remaining Republicans and get back on course. Let’s terminate this misguided policy and practice no one seemingly supports. Let’s commit ourselves to NA remaining small, safe and suburban, and end this urbanization, density, increased traffic and decreased residential parking that is dividing the community,” offered Balwierczak, the energetic challenger.

Balwierczak is a life-long borough resident and graduate of North Arlington High School. A former Republican, Balwierczak is running for council for the first time.

Yampaglia is the son of retired municipal judge Emil Yampaglia, and the brother of former four-term council member Mark Yampaglia who also served as the borough’s public defender. Yampaglia was elected in 2005 and reelected in 2008, 2011 and 2016 and has a law practice on Park Avenue in Rutherford.

A graduate of NAHS, Yampaglia has earned a BA & M.A., and owns his own small business with a barber shop located in Essex County.

His shop is known to cater professional athletes and specifically members of the New York Jets.

Running as the “North Arlington First” ticket, the Democratic slogan is keeping the community small, safe and suburban.

They have offered a 4-point plan to end the housing spree and are calling for a traffic study to identify how best to end the bumper to bumper madness along Ridge Road that is now metastasizing to Schuyler Avenue, River Road and the Belleville Pike.

Democrats will be presenting the results of their community survey at this meeting and the overwhelming opposition to the rampant overdevelopment by their opponents.

According to the actions of both incumbents, Fitzhenry and Sheedy have voted to construct hundreds of new apartments with hundreds more to come. Neither candidate will comment on the future of the MELRAYS or Boston Market properties both empty and dormant.

Republicans have chided Democrats for demanding what will become of the two largest parcels now vacant.

To contact the campaign, call (201) 655-8497.

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