Red Bank, New Jersey - Josh Welle, Navy Commander and Democratic candidate
for U.S. Congress in New Jersey’s 4th district, received endorsements last
week from two prominent defense policy experts, James N. (Jim) Miller and
Richard Danzig.

Jim Miller, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under President
Obama, joins Richard Danzig, former United States Secretary for the Navy
under President Clinton, in a formal endorsement for Josh’s
forward-thinking strategies and service-oriented platform.

“Josh’s time in the Navy showed me that he’s not only a proven leader, but
a protector of the rights and freedom that all Americans are entitled to,”
said Secretary Danzig. “There was no question during his numerous
deployments that he wanted to serve his country, and it doesn’t surprise me
at all that he wants to continue his service to the American people through
elected office. It will be a welcome departure from ‘business as usual’
national politics.”

Under Secretary Miller, who was worked closely with Welle on national
security and policy ideas, also endorsed him this week. “After seeing
Josh’s leadership in the Navy and his contributions to developing pragmatic
solutions to today’s national security challenges, I can confidently say
that the people of New Jersey’s 4th District and indeed people across the
country will be safer under his watch. Josh’s insight and leadership will
be invaluable as the country faces unprecedented challenges.”

Welle accepted the endorsements with gratitude.

“These are opinions I value highly and I hope that they help the people of
NJ-04 understand the commitment I feel to their safety and their freedom.
When I served, it was to protect the rights of everyone- that includes
women, members of the LGBTQ community, minorities, veterans- everyone. I’m
honored that these two leaders I admire understand my dedication.”

Josh was born in New Jersey and raised in Monmouth County. He spent 12
years in the active duty defending America abroad and is now ready to
protect New Jersey’s interests here at home. Josh is prepared for the
challenge, having deployed to Afghanistan to rebuild their economy and
having served as the CEO of a small business. He stands ready to increase
the number of 21st-century jobs, make healthcare accessible to all, and
advocate for sensible foreign policy. Josh will be an innovative and
bipartisan leader in Congress committed to solving real problems facing New
Jersey citizens.

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