Nearly All Hudson Incumbents Running in 2025 Will Run With Fulop for Governor Slogan, Regardless of HCDO Endorsement

Nearly All Hudson Incumbents Running in 2025 Will Run With Fulop for Governor Slogan, Regardless of HCDO Endorsement
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Hudson County Assembly members Barbara McCann Stamato (D-31), John Allen (D-32), Jessica Ramirez (D-32) and Julio Marenco (D-33), along with Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari and Guttenberg Mayor Wayne Zitt, will all run for re-election next year with the same ballot slogan as Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop as he campaigns for the Democratic nomination for Governor. Fulop and the six Hudson County candidates have committed to running with the same slogan regardless of the Hudson County Democratic Organization’s endorsement.
The candidates’ announcement comes in the wake of newly-elected Hudson County Democratic Organization Chairman County Executive Craig Guy declining to honor the commitment made by his predecessor to endorse Fulop for Governor, citing concerns over Fulop’s support for ending the county line system and his endorsement of Andy Kim’s campaign for U.S. Senate.
“Regardless of whether or not we run with the HCDO slogan, our ticket will win Hudson County next year and most incumbents will share our campaign slogan,” said Fulop. “Chairman Vainieri made a commitment that the HCDO would support our campaign, and Chairman Guy informed me on Monday that he has decided to break that promise and cited concerns he apparently now has about transparency and accountability positions I have publicly discussed for months. I have no regrets about saying that the corrupt county line system needs to end, or about endorsing Andy Kim for Senate, or speaking out about OPRA and if that means we have to run with our own ballot slogan, so be it.”