NEW AD: Big Pharma CEO Bob Hugin Hurt Cancer Patients. He’s Wrong For New Jersey

NEW AD: Big Pharma CEO Bob Hugin Hurt Cancer Patients.
He’s Wrong For New Jersey

Patient-led Ad Campaign Sums Up The Case Against Bob Hugin

As a drug company CEO, Bob Hugin took actions that hurt people when they were most vulnerable –– fighting for their lives against cancer. Today, a new ad from a bipartisan patient-led super PAC sums up the case against Hugin in just 15 seconds.

“Bob Hugin got rich by exploiting people with incurable blood cancer, and New Jersey voters need to know that before they vote,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient who took Hugin’s drug for more than five years and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Action. “He doubled the price of cancer drugs, blocked cheaper generics, and pocketed more than $100 million for himself. He is wrong for New Jersey and America.”

Watch the ad: “Summation.”


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