New DCCC Ad Slams Lance’s Pro-NRA, Anti-Choice Record

New DCCC Ad Slams Lance’s Pro-NRA, Anti-Choice Record
The DCCC today launched a powerful new 30-second TV spot call “Times Changed,” highlighting Congressman Leonard Lance’s long record of voting against New Jersey families. The six-figure ad buy will run on New York City TV, starting on Tuesday, September 25, 2018.
The ad describes how, following the Sandy Hook school shooting, Lance voted to block efforts to prevent people with mental illness from purchasing firearms, an action “applauded” by the NRA. The ad notes that the NRA gave Lance straight A's for his loyal support, such as his vote to repeal New Jersey’s ban on semi-automatic weapons. [Star-Ledger, 5/22/96]
The spot also shines a bright light on Lance’s anti-women record, highlighting that Lance opposes a woman’s right to choose, and that he’s voted eight times to defund Planned Parenthood.
“This ad makes clear to New Jersey voters that Congressman Lance is exactly what they hate about Washington D.C.—a typical politician who puts his own interests and agenda ahead of their families,” said DCCC Spokesman Evan Lukaske. “From voting against common sense gun violence prevention measures to attacking women’s health care, Lance has demonstrated time and again he’s not looking out for his constituents. Lance is exactly what’s wrong with Washington, and voters are ready for change.”
Narrator: “Times have changed.”
News anchor: “Here’s what we know at this hour. At least 17 people have been killed.”
Narrator: “After Sandy Hook, Leonard Lance voted to allow people with serious mental illnesses to buy guns and his vote to repeal New Jersey’s assault weapons ban helped earn him an “A” from the NRA.”
News anchor: “President promised to overturn Roe v. Wade.”
Narrator: “Lance also opposes a woman’s right to choose and he voted 8 times to defund Planned Parenthood.”
“There’s too much at stake to send Lance back to Congress.”