New Jersey Assocation of Health Plans Announces New Vice President: Sarah Geiger

New Jersey Assocation of Health Plans Announces

New Vice President: Sarah Geiger


Trenton, NJ:     The New Jersey Association of Health Plans (NJAHP) is pleased to announce that Sarah Lynn Geiger has been appointed Vice President.  In her role, Geiger is responsible for advocacy and education on health care issues on behalf of NJAHP member plans, as well as providing technical assistance to the organization.  She reports to NJAHP President, Ward Sanders.

“Sarah brings a wide range of policy and research experience to NJAHP, as well as a strong background in the current health care issues that face New Jerseyans across the state.  We are tremendously excited to have her join our team,” said Sanders.

“I am thrilled to join NJAHP at a time when our state is making great strides to ensure that quality health care is accessible and affordable to New Jersey’s working families.  I am looking forward to working with our member plans to continue this important work,” added Geiger.

Geiger has worked in Trenton since 2013.  She was previously at the New Jersey Education Association in the Research and Economic Services Division as a member of the Pensions and Benefits Unit.  Prior to joining NJEA, she was in Washington, DC working on Capitol Hill for former Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy.  She has been very active with New Leaders Council since 2015, she currently sits on the New Jersey chapter’s Advisory Board.

Sarah was born and raised in Medford, New Jersey and currently resides in Philadelphia.

About the New Jersey Association of Health Plans

The New Jersey Association of Health Plans (NJAHP) is a  non-profit association created to serve its member health plans with a mission of fostering understanding in the value that health plans contribute to New Jersey’s health care system.

Among other ways, NJAHP does this by:

·         informing the public about our philosophy and the value proposition offered by commercial and Medicaid health plans;

·         educating policy makers, regulators, and opinion leaders on the implications of specific policy proposals;

·         promoting collaborative efforts among health plans, providers, purchasers, brokers and consumers to expand access to high-quality, affordable, and accessible health care;

·         acting as a resource for interested parties on New Jersey’s health care system; and

·         promoting opportunities and forums for health plan members and business partners to meet, exchange ideas, and discuss critical issues affecting health care in the State.

NJAHP’s members, which cover over seven million New Jersey residents, include: Aetna; AmeriGroup; AmeriHealth; Brighton Health Plan Solutions; Cigna; Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey; Oscar Insurance; UnitedHealthcare; and WellCare.

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