New Jersey Cannabis Convention Coming to Atlantic City September 14-15

New Jersey Cannabis Convention Coming to Atlantic City September 14-15

Innovation, hemp, investment and inclusion highlight NJCANN programming


Atlantic City, New Jersey – September 5, 2019 – The first annual New Jersey Cannabis Convention is coming to the Atlantic City Convention Center for two days of business and medical education September 14-15, 2019. NJCANN will be the largest gathering of New Jersey’s medical marijuana industry professionals, and ultimately those looking forward to the eventual adult use recreational market. With two education programming tracks concurrently running each day, attendees will learn from dozens of speakers representing all corners of the industry.


Keynote speakers include Director of Research and Clinical Education for Minorities for Medical Marijuana (M4MM) Dr. Monica Bopha Taing, cannabis business strategist and author DaSheeda Dawson, and attorney Steve Shain of the Hoban Law Group.


“NJCANN is designed for industry leaders, advocates, healthcare professionals, patients and the canna-curious to come together to learn and meet the people paving the way for New Jersey,” said Marc Shepard, co-founder and President of NECANN. “With the cannabis industry heating up in the MidAtlantic, it’s also a timely opportunity for operating and new businesses alike to engage with and learn from consumers, promote their businesses, and promote their products.”


Programming highlights include “Hemp Here and Now: Regulations, Research and Opportunities in the Mid Atlantic” with attorney Jennifer Cabrera of Vicente Sederberg; “Designing a Cannabis Security Plan” with Tony Gallo of Sapphire Risk Consulting; “Industry Insights on Getting Hired in the Cannabiz” with Harman Singh Johar of Chandaria Capital; and “Pet Cannabis 101: Science and Practice” with Christine Harootunian. All ticket holders have access to all educational programming and the convention expo hall except the Saturday workshop that requires separate ticketing), where they can meet vendors, talk with health care providers, explore investment and career opportunities, connect with advocacy groups, see the latest developments in growing equipment, and purchase a variety of accessories.


All programming details are available at:


PLEASE NOTE: An additional programming track has just been added for Saturday, Sept 14:


11:15 AM |  Project Management and Technical Writing for Cannabis License Applications in New Jersey (Room 201)

Join Longview Strategic’s Ellie Siegel and Jake Robbins for a deep-dive into the RFA cycle and application process in New Jersey.  This session will explore technology and management solutions to effectively communicate during the application process as well as a detailed exploration of how to build a compelling narrative essay to compete for licenses in the New Jersey market.


There is also a special Workshop on Saturday, Sept 14 for those looking to have VIP access to professional information in a closed setting:

10:00AM – 1:00PM | How to Increase your Social Capital to Raise Capital; Learn how to attract investors and ACTUALLY have them invest in your company (Room 304)

PLEASE NOTE: This 3 hour program requires a separate ticket and registration

This high energy, interactive presentation is focused on new start-up companies which require initial funding as well as, pre-existing companies which  need additional capital to expand their current operations. The audience will be given specific guidelines on how to properly prepare all the necessary materials before presenting to investors as well as, learn best practice presentation formats. This workshop will center around the power of networking and basic investor relations.  The audience will gain a clear understanding of how to truly network, learn precise strategies and tools they can implement immediately to help kickstart their capital raising efforts. The audience will ultimately walk away with the confidence and key strategies to successfully raise the capital to take their business to the next level.



Tickets: Advance tickets are available at

(Tickets will also be available at the door, on a first-come basis during the weekend)

Location: Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Hours: Sat, September 14, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Sun, September 15, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Admission: $25 for one-day pass; $45 for two-day pass; $159 for pre-convention workshop “Raising Capital for your CannaBiz” (includes convention Pass). Children under 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult. ID is required.



Since 2015, NECANN has hosted the largest, most comprehensive Cannabis Industry event series in the northeast.  Our 2019 schedule includes eight conventions (Boston, Providence RI, Portland, ME, Utah, Springfield MA, Burlington, VT, New Jersey, and Reno, NV), making it the largest series in the country as the legalization of recreational cannabis use in both Maine and Massachusetts bring ever greater national attention to New England.  Registration for NECANN events is available online at  A limited amount of tickets will also be sold on-site on the days of the shows.


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