New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association Applauds Introduction of the “Marijuana Justice Act of 2017”

New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association Applauds Introduction of
the “Marijuana Justice Act of 2017”

Trenton, New Jersey – The New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association applauds the introduction
of the “Marijuana Justice Act of 2017” by United States Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ). The policy
introduced includes commonsense regulation, which addresses legalization at the federal level,
judicial reform, and the allocation of federal funds.

If enacted, this legislation will remove marijuana from the US Controlled Substance Act, thereby
ending the federal criminalization of cannabis, incentive states to mitigate existing and ongoing
racial dipartites in state-level marijuana arrest, expunge federal convictions specific to
marijuana possession, allow individuals currently serving time in federal prison for marijuanarelated
violations to petition the court for resentencing, and create a community investment
fund to invest in communities most impacted by the failed war on drugs.

“It’s imperative we end our failed policies that prohibit marijuana," said Pete Cammarano,
NJCIA President. “Senator Booker’s legislation would remove marijuana from the Controlled
Substance Act, and provide a path forward for the individuals and communities that were
targeted by our failed policies on marijuana."

“Senator Booker’s leadership helps further the effort in New Jersey for the legalization of
cannabis next year,” added Cammarano. “The NJCIA was formed to educate the public and
promote a regulated legal market for cannabis in New Jersey and we are pleased to have
Senator Booker’s leadership.”

Further information on the New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association can be found on their



For Immediate Release Contact: Dara Servis
August 4, 2017 (609) 433-8189

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