New Jersey Community of Conscience Statement on the Jersey City Attack

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.

New Jersey Community of Conscience Statement on the Jersey City Attack

(The New Jersey Community of Conscience is a project of AJC New Jersey)


In October we gathered to launch the New Jersey Community of Conscience (NJ-COC), a state-wide initiative comprised of leaders from various religious, ethnic, civil and social justice communities. As the inaugural members of this group, along with the undersigned members of the Coalition of Religious Leaders of New Jersey, we strongly condemn the horrific violence perpetrated at the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket on December 10. Our prayers go out to those injured and our deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones, including Jersey City Detective Joseph Seals, Leah Minda Ferencz, Moshe Deutsch, and Miguel Jason Rodriguez.


The perpetrators reportedly had antisemitic and anti-police social media posts. This tragic event reminds us that continued vigilance is essential in this time of a disturbing rise in antisemitic and other hate incidents in New Jersey and across the country.


We are grateful to the law enforcement officials and New Jersey officials who responded so quickly and are investigating this heinous attack.


Hate and bias of any kind cannot be tolerated in New Jersey, or anywhere in our country or our world. An attack on one of our communities is an attack on all communities. We proudly stand together to speak out, and up, for one another.


For the New Jersey Community of Conscience (in formation)

(Organizations listed for identification only)



Adriana Abizadeh

Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund


Atiya Aftab

Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom


Very Rev. Peter Baktis

Orthodox Church of America


Rabbi Philip Bazeley

Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple


Rev. Charles F. Boyer

Bethel A.M.E. Church

and Salvation and Social Justice


  1. Ali Chaudry, Ph.D.

NJ Muslim Jewish Advisory Council
and NJ Interfaith Coalition


Christian Fuscarino

Garden State Equality


Rev. Rob Gregson

Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ

Reverend Jack Johnson
Coalition of Religious Leaders of New Jersey


Rabbi David C. Levy

AJC New Jersey


Imam Adeyinka Mendes

The Muslim Center of Greater Princeton


Pinakin Pathak

Hindu Jewish Coalition


Raghu Rao
Hindu Jewish Coalition
and Forum for Religious Freedom


Rev. Matthew P. Ristuccia


Prema L. Roddam, Esq.

South Asian Bar Association


Rev. Louise Scott-Rountree

Office of the Mayor of Newark


Philip Sellinger, Esq.

NJ Mulsim Jewish Advisory Council


Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer

American Baptist Churches USA


President Bradley H. Thatcher

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints




For the Coalition of Religious Leaders of New Jersey



Rev. Timothy Levi Atkins-Jones

Pastor, Mt. Bethany Baptist Ch.


Rev. Darrell Armstrong

General Baptist Convention

of NJ


  1. Rev. Peter A. Baktis

Orthodox Church of America


Bishop Tracie Bartholomew

NJ Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Imam Qareeb Bashir

Islamic Council of Greater Trenton

Rev. Dr. Tanya Bennett

Greater NJ Annual Conference, UMC


Very Reverend Archimandrite Ambrose Bitziadis-Bowers

Ecumenical Officer, Greek Metropolis of NJ


Rev. Charles Boyer

Executive Director Salvation and Social Justice


Mr. Marcus Burnett

President, NJ Council of Churches


  1. Ali Chaudry, Ph.D.

Islamic Society of Basking Ridge


The Most Reverend James F. Checchio

Bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen


Rev. Dr. Harold Delhagen

Presbyterian Synod of the Northeast


Joan M. Diefenbach, Esq.

Director, NJ Council of Churches


Rev. Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp

Interim Executive of the Elizabeth Presbytery


Rabbi Menashe East

Interfaith Council of Morris County


Rev. Bolivar Flores

Vice President of the NJ Coalition of Latino Pastors and Ministers


Rabbi Daniel Geretz

Maayan of West Orange


Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz

Congregation B’nai Jeshurun


Rabbi Arnold Gluck

Temple Beth El


Fr. Timoth Graff

Archdiocese of Newark


Rabbi Andy Green

Tri-County Board of Rabbis


Rev. Rob Gregson

Unitarian Universalist Faith Action


Bishop Carlye Hughes

Episcopal Diocese of Newark


Rev. Jack Johnson

Coordinator, Coalition of Religious Leaders


Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale

Reformed Church of America


Mr. James King

NJ Catholic Conference


Rabbi David Levy

AJC – NJ Regional Director


Rev. Sara Lilja

Director of Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministries


Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley

Past President National Council of Churches


Rev. Miriam Mendez

Executive Minister American Baptist Churches of NJ


Rev. Freeman Palmer

Conference Minister of Central Atlantic Conference, United Church of Christ


Rev. Jeanne Radak

Presbytery Leader, Newton Presbytery


Rev. Scott Russell

Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer, Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey


Bishop John Schol

Greater NJ Conference of the United Methodist Church


Rev. Louise Scott-Rountree

Clergy Affairs Manager, Office of the Mayor of Newark


Father Guy Selvester

Diocese of Metuchen


Rabbi Alan Silverstein

Rabbinical Assembly


Ms. Harinder Singh

Sikh Research Institute


Reverend Barbara Smith

Executive Presbyter, Newark Presbytery



Bishop William Stokes

Episcopal Diocese of NJ


Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan

Diocese of Camden


Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R.

Roman Catholic Archbishop of Newark


Rev. Bob Tomlinson

New Brunswick Presbyter


Rabbi David Z. Vaisberg

Senior Rabbi, Temple B’Nai Abraham

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