New Jersey Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris Calls on Opponent to Return Lucrative Campaign Contributions from Lawyers at the Firm Reaping Millions from Toys "R" Us Bankruptcy

New Jersey Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris Calls on Opponent 
to Return Lucrative Campaign Contributions from Lawyers at the Firm Reaping Millions from Toys "R" Us Bankruptcy

'It's time we have a Member of Congress who refuses to take corporate PAC money and who will fight to protect workers from corporate greed, not benefit from it."
 (May 16, 2018) New Jersey--Tamara Harris, candidate for the Democratic Congressional nomination from New Jersey's 11th Congressional District, today called upon her opponent Mikie Sherrill, to return major cash contributions made to her campaign from lawyers at the firm reaping millions from the bankruptcy of Wayne, NJ-based Toys "R" Us.  According to Federal Election Commission records, Sherrill's campaign has received at least $20,000 from 20 employees of the firm benefitting from the close of the toy manufacturer.  
"I am deeply concerned that Mikie Sherrill has collected such a substantial hoard of campaign cash from members of a firm that worked to ensure that corporate executives continued to be enriched during the demise of 30,000 Toys "R" Us jobs. This is just another example of the chain of priorities that occur when corporate special interests are not aligned with protecting working and middle class families. Thousands of New Jersey residents were mercilessly let go without even the benefit of severance. The Sherrill campaign should admit that benefiting from such an enormous campaign contribution from the very lawyers reaping millions from the Toys "R" Us bankruptcy debacle is a betrayal of New Jersey voters. I believe the only choice is to return the contributions from the 20 donors and refuse to take any money from those entities who stand to profit from the Toys "R" Us bankruptcy and refuse all similar contributions in the future."
"It's time we have a Member of Congress who refuses to take corporate PAC money and who will fight to protect workers from corporate greed, not benefit from it. When elected to Congress my focus will be on making laws to benefit the well-being of the hard-working families that make up my constituency, not those of corporate and special interests who donated to my campaign. This is what it means to put people before politics." says New Jersey Democratic Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris (CD-11).

To find out more about Tamara Harris for Congress,

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