New Jersey Future Statement on Governor Murphy’s FY2022 Budget Address |
New Jersey Executive Director Peter Kasabach released the following statement in response to Governor Murphy’s FY2022 Budget Address:
“After a year of unprecedented challenges, it is encouraging to hear in his budget address the Governor’s commitment to smart growth values such as inclusive neighborhoods with affordable housing options, investments in transit without fare hikes, and critical upgrades to water and broadband infrastructure. Building and supporting strong neighborhoods and communities for everyone, as with the expanded Main Street program and new redevelopment and revitalization subsidies in the form of incentives, is essential for an economic comeback that makes New Jersey stronger and more equitable than before.” |
About New Jersey Future
Founded in 1987, New Jersey Future is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes sensible growth, redevelopment and infrastructure investments to foster vibrant cities and towns, protect natural lands and waterways, enhance transportation choices, provide access to safe, affordable and aging-friendly neighborhoods and fuel a strong economy. The organization does this through original research, innovative policy development, coalition-building, advocacy, and hands-on strategic assistance.
Embracing differences and advancing fairness is central to New Jersey Future’s mission and operations. To effectively advance its mission, New Jersey Future is firmly committed to pursuing greater justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion through its programs, internal operations and external communications. |
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