New Jersey Future Statement on Passing of Former Governor Jim Florio

New Jersey Future Statement on Passing of Former Governor Jim Florio:


TRENTON, September 26, 2022—Yesterday we lost an important champion and friend. New Jersey Future and our great state of New Jersey owe a sincere debt of gratitude to the courage and leadership of the late former Governor Jim Florio.


As an elected leader in the legislature and governorship, Florio dedicated his career to ensuring our state’s vibrant and resilient future through, among other things, his contributions at both the national and state level in the creation and implementation of the “Superfund” law, the Clean Water Act, and the Pineland Comprehensive Management Plan. Florio was instrumental in the formation of Jersey Water Works, a 600-member plus collaborative dedicated to improving our state’s water infrastructure for everyone. He served as an honorary co-chair of both Jersey Water Works and New Jersey Future, providing leadership, guidance, and co-authoring opinion pieces from his unique and distinguished perspective.


Governor Florio had an aptitude for policy on all levels and was a frequent guest at New Jersey Future roundtables and panels. His statesmanship bridged ideological and political divides, allowing him to contextualize big issues and seek pragmatic solutions. Florio was also a tireless advocate in and out of office for improved transportation infrastructure and the importance of coordinating planning at the state level, issues NJF strives daily to advance.


In 2018, NJF honored the late Gov. Florio with the Cary Edwards Leadership Award. NJF Executive Director Pete Kasabach commented at that time, which remains true now: “There are few people who inhabit the idea of ‘public servant’ more fully than Jim Florio. His efforts both in office and since have been with the singular goal of ensuring that our children and grandchildren will have a great state in which to live, work, and play.”

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