New Jersey Gasoline, C-Store, Automotive Association Supports Office of Attorney General and Department of Consumer Affairs in “Operation Summer Octane” Effort

New Jersey Gasoline, C-Store, Automotive Association Supports Office of Attorney General and Department of Consumer Affairs in “Operation Summer Octane” Effort
Unlike ten years ago, New Jersey Attorney General and Office of Weights and Measures conducted themselves professionally and gave honest account of their findings

NJGCA Executive Director Sal Risalvato releases the following comments supporting the Office of the Attorney General in an effort to find octane cheaters. NJGCA will not hesitate to report any gas station even if they are a member if we learn that they are cheating motorists. Risalvato wrote all County Weights and Measures Superintendents back in 2016 requesting that all locations be checked for proper octane during the customary annual meter tolerance testing conducted by their office. Risalvato released the following statement in response to this crack down on gas stations:

“I was pleased that this investigation was done, and I hope that octane tests are done more frequently. Believe it or not, my best eyes and ears to root out octane cheaters are my honest members, who are eager to report competitors that they have learned may be dishonest. The reason for this is that there is such an overwhelmingly unfair advantage if a retailer commingles regular grade gasoline into the premium inventory.”

“Most retailers average less than 10¢ a gallon of profit, but can unfairly add 50¢ a gallon to their profit when they cheat. NJGCA has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating customers in any capacity. It should be noted that of the 371 locations that were tested, only two were found to be cheating their customers. However, I would prefer if none were found. Thankfully neither of the two found cheating are NJGCA members. Hopefully, this effort will act as a deterrent to those who attempt to cheat their customers.”

“This task force conducted itself in stark contrast to the fraudulent clown show conducted by then Attorney General Anne Milgram in 2008. At that time, it was Attorney General Milgram who should have been charged with fraud for the way she conducted her investigation. Back in 2008, Attorney General Milgram assembled a similar task force and conducted herself with a total lack of professionalism in order to stand on a soap box and make herself look like a hero. Back then, an investigation of 1,000 gas stations found 240 locations with minor infractions that she portrayed to the media as 300 gas stations scamming the public. After NJGCA sued the Attorney General to obtain documents related to her scam, we found only two locations that were actually short changing motorists, and both locations had made unintentional errors, but that information would not have garnered the headlines that Milgram received as a result of her ‘investigation.’ I called for her resignation then, and still hold her as an example of how a public official should never conduct themselves.”

Ten years later, I applaud the current Attorney General and Director of Consumer Affairs, as well as the Superintendent of the Office of Weights and Measures for conducting themselves professionally and actually working to protect the consumer.”

To see the Weights and Measures Press Release from July 2, 2018, click here


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