New Jersey Is the Best State for Working from Home – WalletHub Study

With 20% of all professional jobs now being remote, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on the Best States for Working from Home, as well as accompanying video and audio files, in order to highlight which areas are thriving and which are struggling in this pandemic economy.

To identify which states are most conducive to working from home, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 12 key metrics. The data set ranges from the share of workers working from home to internet cost and cybersecurity. WalletHub also considered factors like how large and how crowded homes are in the state. Together, these metrics show how feasible working from home is in terms of cost, comfort and safety. Below, you can see highlights from the report, along with a WalletHub Q&A.

Working from Home in New Jersey (1=Best, 25=Avg.):

  • 21st – Share of Population Working from Home
  • 11th – Share of Potential Telecommuters
  • 4th – Households’ Internet Access
  • 21st – Average Home Square Footage
  • 12th – Cybersecurity
  • 29th – Internet Cost

For the full report, please visit:

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