TRENTON, NJ – New Jersey residents in a handful of municipalities will elect town leadership by voting in nonpartisan municipal elections on May 14th. New Jersey LCV, the statewide political voice for the environment, is announcing its slate of endorsed candidates for these non-partisan local elections. New Jersey LCV expanded from just legislative and statewide endorsements to local election endorsements in 2020, having supported more than 130 candidates at the local municipal and county level since the program began.
“We are excited to continue our tradition of endorsing non-partisan candidates in local races. It’s essential that those who care about the environment get to the polls on May 14 to vote for our environmental champions,” said Allison McLeod, New Jersey LCV Senior Policy Director. “When it comes to climate change action, safeguarding drinking water, reducing flooding, advancing environmental justice, and preserving open space and parks, local leaders have enormous power. We encourage all voters in Keansburg Borough to voice their support for the environment by casting their ballot for Carbone, Salas, Onciu.”
Keansburg Borough
Antonietta Carbone
Braden Salas
Cristina Onciu
All three candidates are part of the Keansburg ABCs Committee
"We are privileged to receive the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. This endorsement is crucial for our Borough to be at the forefront of environmental causes. Prioritizing the health of our planet is synonymous with prioritizing the well-being of our borough and its citizens. Keansburg was heavily affected by Hurricane Sandy, but with our community's strength and new priorities, we can stand stronger and make meaningful environmental progress. This endorsement also allows Keansburg voters to see the candidates willing to invest in stormwater management infrastructure, clean energy, and open land conservation.”
“New Jersey LCV will continue our mission to elect pro-environment elected officials. With the impacts of climate change and our need to transition to a 21st century clean energy economy, now more than ever it matters who represents us in local government,” added McLeod. “We generally see a lower turnout for local non-partisan races, but anyone who is concerned about warehouses, flooding, and land preservation in their local communities should make local elections a priority.”
New Jersey LCV is a non-partisan organization whose mission is to elect environmental champions. It is the only New Jersey-based environmental group with both a Political Action Committee (PAC) and Super PAC.
Paid for by New Jersey LCV Political Action Committee, PO Box 1237, Trenton, NJ 08607