New Jersey LCV Announces Endorsements in County and Local Elections

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

New Jersey LCV Announces Endorsements in County and Local Elections


TRENTON, NJ - New Jersey LCV, the leading political voice for the environment in New Jersey, announced their endorsements for county and local races in the 2023 elections. New Jersey LCV is a nonpartisan organization whose mission is to elect environmental champions, and is the only New Jersey environmental group with a Political Action Committee (PAC) and Super PAC. New Jersey LCV announced these endorsements after receiving questionnaires from more than 120 candidates.


“It’s important that we elect local environmental champions who will fight for the right to a healthy environment for all residents,” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV. “Local and county governments are on the front lines of tackling issues including improving air quality, reducing flooding, and preserving open space from warehouse sprawl. They play a critical role in environmental protection.”


Since beginning its local endorsement process in 2020 with 26 endorsements, New Jersey LCV has seen the number of candidates seeking our support and moving through the process rapidly grow, demonstrating how critical environmental protection is to voters from every political party. From the 101 endorsed candidates this year 25% are people of color, 44% women, and 5% LGBTQ+.


“New Jersey LCV is proud to have a strong slate of endorsed candidates for county and local offices across our state,” said Julia Somers, New Jersey LCV Board Chair. “We have a strenuous endorsement process and we want New Jerseyans to know which of their local elected officials support the environment.”


A full list of the endorsees can be found here.


Quotes from endorsed candidates by county:


Atlantic County


Kim O'Brien, Atlantic County Commissioner


“I am very proud to be endorsed by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters! As a school Green Team Leader, I have been working to reduce our energy use, save tax dollars, and provide a cleaner environment for our school community. I hope to take my skills and experience to the county level as an Atlantic County Commissioner.”


Councilman Kaleem Shabazz, Atlantic City Council 3rd Ward


“I am proud to have the endorsement of New Jersey LCV for my reelection to City Council. Addressing climate change, environmental justice and health, economic, and social justice impacts of the effort to make our environment better is critical. I intend if reelected to redouble my efforts in the areas that New Jersey LCV leads in.”


Robert Gancitano Galloway Town Council


“I am honored to be endorsed by such a noteworthy and important leader in the environmental protection community.  Our shared values will help bring about the change that saving our planet requires from all of us. There is much to be done; so let's get to work!”


Bergen County


Diane Scarangella, Borough of Leonia Town Council


“Clean air, water and open spaces are human rights that benefit all living things - this is why I am so grateful for the support of the League of Conservation Voters - an organization that does so much to promote conservation of the last remaining "wilds" in NJ.”


Teresa Judge Cravello, Jorge Martinez Jr., Thomas A. Miller, Rochelle Park Committee


“The team of Judge Cravello, Martinez and Miller will always fight for the rights of our neighbors to have a clean and healthy environment, for them and their families to enjoy for Generations. An endorsement from the LCV not only provides accountability, guidance and resources to these efforts but shows the value of similar partnerships.”


Andrew Warta, Dumont Borough Council


"I am honored and grateful to receive the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. I promise to strive to protect our natural resources, combat climate change, and help build a sustainable future for Dumont."


Michael Francavilla, Dumont Borough Council


“Receiving the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters is a testament to our commitment to environmental stewardship. I will work tirelessly to promote clean energy, preserve our parks and open spaces, and ensure a greener, healthier Dumont for generations to come.”


Chris Hillmann, Hasbrouck Heights Mayor


“Thank you to LCV for endorsing my candidacy for Mayor of Hasbrouck Heights. I look forward to working with environmental advocates to improve congestion, air quality and flooding in our region.”


Burlington County


Dr. John J. Errigo III, Fieldsboro Council


“It is an honor to have the prestigious LCV endorsement. This is a step in the right direction to provide transparency around environmental causes that affect our community; continuing safe environmental practices, and reserving green space for our community needs. I have a goal to continue to help establish a greener township that is energy and cost efficient.”


Debra Harris and Robert Mode, Hainesport Twp. Committee


“Debra Harris and Robert Mode are proud to have earned the endorsement of New Jersey LCV. Local towns like Hainesport continue to be on the front lines of tackling tough issues. Elections matter to ensure that we can work for Hainesport to protect clean air, clean water, and our open spaces!”


Kristan Marter, Florence Twp, Mayor


“I'm thrilled to have the backing of the League of Conservation Voters, an organization committed to environmental stewardship. This endorsement fuels my campaign's mission to prioritize eco-friendly infrastructure and preserve our valuable open spaces, making Florence Township a better place for generations to come.”


Brian Turner & Erik Heyman-Meltzer, Cinnaminson Town Council


“We are elated to be endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters, and are thrilled they recognize our campaign's commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. Cinnaminson's natural resources are deserving of our protection and will be a top priority for us once in office.”


Gina LaPlaca, Lumberton Township Committee


“As the daughter of environmental scientists, protecting our planet and keeping our communities safe and clean was my original core value. I'm proud to have New Jersey LCV’s support as we continue our work to keep Lumberton green.”


Camden County


Edward Campbell, Gibbsboro Mayor


“I am honored to receive this endorsement which reflects my lifelong commitment to preserving open spaces and places for the general public to enjoy and celebrate the hidden gems that are in our backyards!”


Essex County


Leonard M Luciano, Essex County Commissioner District 4


“Absolutely thrilled to have the endorsement of New Jersey LCV in the upcoming November general election, thank you for your careful selection, I am humbled to have the support!”


Debbie Mans. Borough of Glen Ridge


“I am proud to receive an endorsement from the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.  Protecting our environment means cleaner air and water, vibrant parks and outdoor spaces, alternative transportation options and more for our residents.”


LoriJeane Moody, Borough of Glen Ridge


“I am humbled and proud to have earned the endorsement of New Jersey LCV for my candidacy for town council. I believe that the long-term vitality -- health, prosperity and well-being -- of our beloved Garden State depends on strong local concern and action to safeguard our clean water, fresh air, and natural lands.”


Hunterdon County


Shaun C. Van Doren, Hunterdon County Commissioner


“I am proud to have been endorsed for re-election to the Hunterdon County Board of County Commissioners by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.  Thank you.”


John Kashwick, Clinton Town Council


“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.  Having the endorsement of such an important organization validates my efforts on Clinton Town Council in making the environment a priority.  I will continue to make issues such as land preservation. clean water, and pedestrian safety a key component of my tenure.”


Kim Stentz, Clinton Town Council


“I am very proud to have received the endorsement of the LCV. I will do my best to incorporate their vision with my own for a greener Clinton, which will include a better quality of life for us and for our children.”


Mercer County


Dan Weiss, West Windsor Township Council


“I am delighted to be endorsed by the New Jersey LCV.  We share a common vision of a world in which tackling the climate crisis, confronting environmental injustice, and strengthening our democracy lead to cleaner and healthier communities, good, well-paying jobs, and a just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.”


Stacey Fox, West Windsor Township Council


“The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters mission perfectly aligns with my most fervent ideals: "We envision a world in which tackling the climate crisis, confronting environmental injustice, and strengthening our democracy lead to cleaner and healthier communities, good, well-paying jobs, and a just, equitable, and sustainable future for all." It is a most distinct honor to even be considered for this endorsement and I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to protect our democracy, fight for equity with good governance, and work to ensure that planet earth remains inhabitable and safe for countless generations to come.”


Ben Finkelstein, West Windsor Township Council


“As proven by another year of extreme weather and increased evidence of a mass extinction event, climate change has been catastrophic already - we must act now or face an Earth that is no longer conducive to life as we know it. These are huge problems that require systemic solutions. We can help get there with local initiatives that embody the idea of ""think globally, act locally."" We must embed the long-term implications of climate change, resource sustainability, and conservation in all our local, state, and federal legislation.”


Heidi Wilenius, Hopewell Borough Council


“As a strong believer in environmental advocacy and protections, being personally endorsed by the New Jersey League Of Conservation Voters is a true honor. I look forward to the opportunity to serve my community in a way that will protect and defend our natural resources.”


Middlesex County


Jason F. Cilento, Dunellen Mayor


“I am honored to receive this endorsement by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. It recognizes the important environmental work that has been initiated by my administration to help Dunellen become greener and more resilient. New Jersey municipalities like Dunellen are rich in culture, diversity and natural beauty and we must all strive to preserve the integrity of our environment and State.”


Monmouth County


Erica DeKranes, Allentown Borough


“I am excited to receive the endorsement of the League of Conservation Voters and look forward to advancing environmental initiatives in Allentown Borough.”


Lori Hohenleitner; Jon Crowley; Alyson Forbes, Atlantic Highlands Mayor and Council


"We are honored to be recognized by New Jersey LCV with their endorsement. As a Bayshore municipality faced with an uncertain future because of our changing climate, we strive to preserve open space and reinforce the resilience of our waterfront. This endorsement strengthens our belief that we are aligned with the mission of New Jersey LCV and are working effectively to address, prepare for, or resolve the environmental issues that impact not just our small town, but the Bayshore as whole."


Gregory Cannon; Arthur Hirsch; Robert Swindle; Concetta Kelley, Aberdeen Township Council


“Having worked hard for many years to protect Aberdeen's natural resources, promote sustainable policies within our local government, and preserve Aberdeen's remaining woodlands and open spaces, we are proud to have earned the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters!”


Morris County


Steve Pylypchuk, Morristown Town Council - Ward 3


“I am honored and deeply grateful to receive the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. Their commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable policies resonates strongly with my vision for Morristown's future. I share their dedication to preserving our natural resources, fostering a greener community, and ensuring a vibrant, eco-friendly environment for generations to come. Together, we will work tirelessly to create a more sustainable and resilient Morristown. Thank you for your trust and support.”


Chris Russo, Morristown, Town Council, Ward 4


“I am honored to have the endorsement of The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters! Their important work is crucial for a sustainable future.”


Matthew Davis, Rockaway Twp Council


“I am so proud to receive the endorsement of New Jersey LCV. I am 100% dedicated to conservation, clean energy and preserving the planet and look forward to being a green Councilman if elected, championing environmental causes for the Township and County. We only have one habitable planet, so let's ensure it's healthy and clean for many generations to come.”


Amalia Duarte, Mendham Township Committee


“I am thrilled to be endorsed by the New Jersey League of Conservation voters as the candidate running for Mendham Township Committee who is dedicated to preserving the beautiful character of our community. I am humbled by this recognition of my efforts to fight back against overdevelopment and preserve the fragile environment and open space that make Mendham Township such a special place to live.”


Ocean County


Robert Challender, Tuckerton Council


“The League of Conservation Voters endorsement recognizes my commitment to protect and improve Tuckerton's pristine waterways, maritime history and upland forests and undeveloped spaces. I am deeply grateful for LCV advocacy at all levels of our environment.”


Kia Phua, Mary K Curtis, Thomas White & Frank D DeMaio IV, Bayville Mayor & Council


“We are proud to receive the endorsement of the New Jersey LCV, where we are candidates promoting a pro-environment agenda that creates clean energy for our communities.”


Jennifer McCabe, Beachwood Council


“I am honored to be endorsed by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. After 12 years of one party rule in Beachwood, it's time for a change. I am running for Beachwood Council to be an enthusiastic and devoted advocate for projects and policies that respond to the concerns of all Beachwood residents and protect our environment.”


Ben Giovine, Toms River Mayor


“I am proud to stand alongside New Jersey LCV to commit to investments that improve the resiliency and protect the beauty found in Toms River. We are fortunate to live in a community that boasts the best beaches along the shore, the beauty of the Barnegat Bay and borders the majestic Pine Barrens. I look forward to working with LCV to ensure these treasures are protected for our children and future generations.”


Passaic County


Bruce James, Passaic County Commissioner


“I am honored to have been endorsed by New Jersey LCV for a second time! New Jersey LCV is on the front lines of the environmental battle to save our Planet.”


Arlene Sullivan, Wayne Town Council (Ward 1)


"I'm honored to receive an endorsement from New Jersey LCV, such an upstanding and worthwhile organization."


Mercedes Aguirre, Wayne Town Council Position (Ward 4)


“I would like to thank New Jersey LCV for their endorsement and their trust that I am a candidate who is dedicated to clean air, clean water, and open space. I look forward to working with New Jersey LCV in this election and after. “


Fran Ritter Wayne Township Council (5th Ward)


“I am honored to have the New Jersey LCV’s endorsement which further supports my continued commitment to Wayne’s residents and to Wayne’s environment.”


Peter Rosky Wayne Town Council (Ward 6)


“As a candidate dedicated to protecting our environment, reducing carbon emissions and reversing the devastating effects of climate change, I am pleased to be endorsed by New Jersey LCV.”


Eric Gillman, Breeze Sando, Erika Travan, Mark Savastano, Dan Daily:  Ringwood Council


“We are very excited to be endorsed by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.  Our commitment to maintain and improve the environment in Ringwood is a top priority for our ticket.”


Melissa Brown Blaeuer, Karen Phelan, Mary Granata:  West Milford Mayor and Council


“Melissa, Karen and Mary are proud to have the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters behind our campaign because we, too, are strong advocates for using clean energy sources, protecting our environment, and fostering a healthy, vibrant economy where all people can thrive. Working together, we can create the future we all want and deserve.”


Craig Cayetano, Hawthorne, Town Council Ward 3


“I am proud to receive the endorsement of New Jersey LCV! My continued message and campaign puts Hawthorne first year in and year out.”


Somerset County


Douglas Singleterry & Paul Drake, Somerset County Commissioners


“Doug Singleterry and Paul Drake are very grateful and would like to thank the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters for their endorsement of our candidacy. This endorsement demonstrates a recognition that we are the best candidates to assure our decisions are sustainable and in the best interest of Somerset County and its residents.”


Ana Duarte McCarthy & Lily Wong, Bernards Township Committee


“We are proud to be endorsed by the New Jersey LCV.  We are all stewards of our environment, and must be proactive to ensure a vibrant community for generations to come. ”


Phillip Kramer, Franklin Twp Mayor


"I'm honored to be endorsed by this non-partisan organization that is committed to saving our planet and making it a safer, cleaner place to live. I share their commitment and will leverage this endorsement to further our mutual goals."


Alex Kharazi, Franklin Twp Council


“I am honored and privileged  to receive this prestigious endorsement from New Jersey LVC because together we keep Franklin Moving Forward and preserve our beautiful environment for the future generation.”


Sivaraman "Ram" Anbarasan, Franklin Twp Council


"It is my honor to accept and celebrate the endorsement of LCV for my reelection to the Franklin Township Council. We live in a beautiful town with more than 500 acres of preserved land and more on the way every year. I am committed to continuing that tradition of supporting good environmental policies and enhancing green energy adoption at the township level. Together with LCV, we intend to bring in more initiatives that benefit our residents now and well into the future. Thank you LCV for the endorsement."


Roberta G Walters, Manville Mayor


“I am so humbled to be endorsed by the New Jersey LCV.  The entire WiNS for Manville team places a high priority on protecting the environment and supporting sustainability.  We live in a town prone to flooding and we understand the impact that has on our community.  Addressing climate change must start at the local level and I am committed to begin that work on day one.”


Ashley Neuman, Manville Council


“I am incredibly proud of this New Jersey LCV endorsement! Strengthening my community by means of environmental sustainability is the path to a brighter and safer future. It is truly an honor to be an advocate for our environment during a time where every decision affects our ability to save our one planet, our one home.”


Dennis Sullivan, Somerville Mayor


“We are but stewards of our community for the enjoyment of residents to come. I am honored by this New Jersey LCV recognition of our efforts to protect Somerville's future.”


Patricia Taylor Todd, Montgomery Township Committeeperson


“I am deeply honored and grateful to receive the endorsement of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters for my campaign for Montgomery Township committee. The Montgomery community prides itself on open space and green surroundings. This endorsement underscores our shared commitment to preserving our environment, fostering sustainable growth, and ensuring the well-being of our community. With the support of the New Jersey LCV, we will continue to champion responsible policies that safeguard our natural resources, promote clean energy solutions, and create a greener future for all residents of Montgomery Township.”


Pablo Orozco, Raritan Borough Mayor


“Thank you for your support, I look forward to continuing to fight to protect the environment for future generations.”


Union County


Margaret Illis and Bill Machado, Berkeley Heights Town Council


“We are honored to accept New Jersey LCV’s endorsement.  Our environment is precious, and we need to do all we can to protect it. As council members, we will take actions to protect the tree canopy, improve the wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and protect our watersheds.”


Colleen Mahr, Fanwood Mayor


“As a mayor who works hard every day for our residents to enjoy clean air, clear water and open space, having the endorsement of the New Jersey LCV is an affirmation of the hard but necessary work and I humbly thank them for this important endorsement.”


Brian Andrews & Paul A. Gallo, Cranford Township Committee


“We are thrilled to have New Jersey LCV’s endorsement for the Township Committee.  For years, New Jersey LCV has helped lead the way in making communities safer and healthier for New Jersey families.  We are proud to work alongside New Jersey LCV to help make Cranford an example of a community that promotes sustainability and common-sense policies that help protect our parks, the Rahway River, and generations of Cranford residents to come.”


Warren County


Derick Lewis & Bernard Fey Jr:  Phillipsburg Town Council


“We would like to thank New Jersey LCV for this prestigious endorsement. It goes to show that conservation of our open spaces and sustainable riverfront development are priorities that we plan to enact upon being elected to council.”


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