New Jersey LCV Ed Fund Releases Environmental Agenda for Murphy’s First Term 

New Jersey LCV Ed Fund Releases Environmental Agenda for Murphy’s First Term 


TRENTON – The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (New Jersey LCV Ed Fund) released an environmental policy agenda on Monday to guide Governor-elect Phil Murphy and his administration in addressing top environmental challenges and identifying opportunities during the first term. 


The report, Environmental Agenda ’18: New Jersey’s Conservation Roadmap, was developed in consultation with nearly 30 environmental. The goal of the 30-page report is to assist the new governor in reclaiming national leadership on critical environmental issues like transitioning to 100 percent clean energy and jump-starting solar and wind production.  


“New Jersey is poised to regain its leadership role in protecting the environment. The New Jersey LCV Ed Fund developed Environmental Agenda ’18: New Jersey’s Conservation Roadmap to help the incoming administration do great things for our environment, like achieving 100% clean energy by 2050, protecting clean drinking water sources in the Highlands and Pinelands, addressing polluted storm water runoff, reducing flooding, and preserving open spaces” said New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Executive Director Ed Potosnak. 


New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund spent $787,000 to raise awareness of critical environmental issues in the governor’s race.  


Agenda ’18 identifies priorities in the areas of clean water, climate change, open space, energy, coast/ocean, government, Department of Environmental Protection, infrastructure, and toxins. It makes recommendations for changes and improvements that the new administration can accomplish in its first 100 days, first year, and first term. 


“The contributions of experts in environmental policy, advocacy, public administration, and science helped frame the concrete steps Governor Elect Murphy can do to address environmental issues most important to the health and prosperity of New Jersey families and businesses,” said Cindy Ehrenclou, chair of the Ed Fund Board and Executive Director of the Raritan Headwaters Association. “We look forward to working with the new administration to accomplish the policy changes outlined in Agenda ’18.” 


The Education Fund chose Ellarslie, the Trenton City Museum, in Cadwalader Park, as the backdrop for the event to highlight the need for state parks in cities such as Trenton, Camden, and Newark. Cadwalader is Trenton’s oldest park, and was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, famed landscape architect who designed NYC’s Central Park. 


Watch a news clip of the event here. 

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