New Jersey Leaders Advocate for Gun Safety Reforms

New Jersey Leaders Advocate for Gun Safety Reforms

“The County of Union is proud to support the legislation from Governor Phil Murphy and our state legislators to improve gun safety in New Jersey for all of our residents,” said Freeholder Chairwoman Bette Jane Kowalski. “We already have some of the strongest gun laws in the country. However, more action is required to stop the 2,000-plus shootings that occur each year in New Jersey. The recent incident here in Westfield, where a man from out of state was arrested with a gun and more than 100 rounds of ammunition, has spurred our resolve to address the issue of gun violence. Our governor and legislators have responded to the public demand for stronger laws. While new laws will not end gun violence in our state, they are steps in the right direction. We thank our Governor and state legislators for identifying the need and taking action for public safety.​ We stand with them, our local officials, law enforcement officers, and grass-roots organizations. Together, we must work toward eliminating gun violence and create an environment where our children and families can live without fear of a stray bullet.”

“We need to continue to work at all levels of government to ensure our schools and communities have the funds necessary to combat gun violence and keep our children safe,” said Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora. “Governor Murphy has been a great leader in moving New Jersey in the right direction on this issue, and Senator Shirley Turner, Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson, and Assemblyman Anthony Verrelli are our allies in the Legislature, fighting to make sure Trenton has the resources we need to improve public safety.”

“Last week, in Westfield, NJ the national gun crisis was brought home to us when an individual was arrested for having over 100 rounds of live ammunition and a loaded gun on the premises of a Westfield school,” said Plainfield Mayor Adrian Mapp. “We can make no mistake about the fact that this is a health crisis that needs stronger legislation at every level of government. If Washington will not lead the charge, then we at the municipal level have to take action and safeguard our communities and our children. We cannot sit by while our children become collateral damage for the NRA and the federal government. I call for action, and strongly support any movement for common sense gun reform.”

“Together we can end this epidemic of gun violence in our country,” said Union Mayor Michele Delisfort. “Days like today, on the heels of a gun scare, we said “never again,” but to this day there has been 167 mass shootings in 2019 and over 2,100 mass shooting since Sandy Hook. I support bringing more common-sense reforms of firearms-related law and believe that starting with a simple background check is the kind of action we need to save lives. Just a few days ago, I proclaimed and recognized June 7th in the Township of Union as National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Alongside with Moms Demand Action of Union County members and Union Chapter Co-Lead Patti Wilson-Fico, we honored and remembered all victims and survivors of gun violence. As Mayor, our problems look different from town to town, but we as Union County are united in our duty to protect our residents from the threat of gun violence and will stand together fighting for common-sense laws and policies to make our county and country safer.”

“It is unthinkable that anyone should be subject to the threat of violence in their daily lives, anywhere, much less at what should be the safe haven of a school,” said New Brunswick Mayor Jim Cahill. “It is our responsibility and duty that we recommit ourselves to bringing about reasonable and sensible laws regarding gun control in our state so that no one, ever, steps out their front door fearing for their lives.”

“As a father and elected official, school safety is a critically important issue for me,” said Bloomfield Mayor Michael Venezia. “Governor Murphy recently signed responsible, common sense legislation to keep guns out of the wrong hands, and the Bloomfield Police Department has done a tremendous job reducing crime and violence in town, all efforts that have made our community safer. I will continue to support any measures like this that keep our school children safe.”

“As Mayor of Fanwood and co-founder of the Union County Moms Demand Action Group, I know first-hand that we are not immune to gun violence against our communities,” said Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr. “I’m proud to live in a state where groups like Moms Demand Action organized this cause, and whose Governor is leading the way toward a common-sense solution for this growing epidemic of mass shootings before it’s too late.”

“Every day, 100 Americans die from gun violence – Every. Day. And as a mother of a 10 and 17 -year old, it troubles me that nearly 1,700 children and teenagers die from gun homicide every year in America,” said Berkeley Heights Mayor Angie Devanney. “No other country like ours faces this tragic reality – None. We don’t want to think it could happen to our children – we hope and pray it never does – but last week, the town of Westfield, just 5 miles from my hometown, nearly saw other mothers with young children suffer the kind of heartbreak felt by mothers in places like Sandy Hook, Parktown, and cities and towns across America. Only the vigilance of public safety officials prevented what could have been another terrible tragedy. We cannot rely on heroes alone. We need strong, common sense gun safety laws on top of the ones that already exist in New Jersey. These laws will help lower the risk of a Sandy Hook or a Parktown happening here in our state; and if protecting our children isn’t a good enough reason, tell me what is? I stand with Governor Murphy and all those elected officials, who are in Westfield today to speak out for these gun safety laws. Let’s keep our children safe – all of them, yours and mine alike – and show that New Jersey will do its part to lower those terrifying statistics.”

“The events in Westfield last week serve as a sober reality that gun violence can happen anywhere, even close to home,” said Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor Michael Soriano. “Rhetoric and half-measures are not enough. Our state is in need of real policy, action, and resources to both prevent gun violence in our schools and maintain and nurturing environment free of fear for our students. I am grateful for law enforcement’s swift and efficient response in Westfield. It remains important that we work together to solve this crisis, and make sure that every community, every school, and every child is safe.”

“Gun Safety must be more than just talk: It must be an honest commitment from government, law enforcement, from gun supporters and from all of us as people and as a community,” said West Orange Mayor Rob Parisi. “We should never get to the point where gun violence fails to shock us and becomes accepted as commonplace; we are dangerously close to that reality”.

“Serving as an officer in a school system, it is important that our children are safe on a daily basis,” said Rockaway Mayor Mike Puzio. “Keeping our children safe through a common-sense approach on gun safety is vital to protecting them, our schools and our communities. It’s important that our leaders at all levels come together and talk about this issue in order to put our children first.”

“I support the Governor’s efforts in making New Jersey safer, said Rahway Mayor Raymond Giacobbe.

“As a Mayor, my top priority is the safety, security, and well-being of all students, staff and residents,” said Cranford Mayor Patrick Giblin. “Last fall, Cranford faced the threat of gun violence in one of our schools. This past week, we saw another threat at a Westfield school. I commend the quick response of law enforcement agencies for averting tragedies in both instances. We took to our representatives in Trenton to do more to take weapons out of the hands of those who aim to do our children harm. Shame on any leader that ignores the scourge of gun violence and ignores gun safety measures”

“I am deeply grateful to Governor Murphy for his tenacity in seeking to protect New Jersey from the scourge of gun violence,” Piscataway Mayor Brian C. Wahler said. “No one in our state, especially not a student at school or a congregant at a place of worship, should have to live in fear of the very real threat of mass brutality that is further enabled through insufficient firearms laws.  The courage of Governor Murphy to take on the powerful gun lobby through common sense legislation is wholeheartedly welcome and admired.”

“We must, as a community, offer more than thoughts and prayers to victims and families of gun violence,” said Brielle Mayor Thomas Nicol. “We must hold ourselves accountable to ensure common sense gun legislation is passed- to protect citizens and the second amendment.”

“There have been too many families and communities destroyed as a result of senseless gun violence, and the issue needs to be address with common sense gun legislation,” said Morristown Mayor Tim Dougherty. “I fully support any initiative that will address the issue and compel our state and federal government to implement action.”

“As the Mayor of Garwood and as a teacher, gun safety is of paramount importance to me here in Union County, our State, and our country,” said Garwood Mayor Sara Todisco. “We must stay vigilant in order to protect our children and all our residents.” 

“This country has been failing America’s children and innocent adults for far too long,” said Highland Park Mayor Gayle Brill Mittler. “While we cannot control gun violence in other states throughout the country, we can make a difference here in New Jersey. We already have some of the toughest gun laws in the country. Let’s continue our lead and protect our children, our houses of worship, our workplaces and make New Jersey’s gun violence prevention laws even stronger. As a mayor, my #1 goal is to keep my residents safe. As legislators, our elected officials’ main goal should be the safety of all our New Jersey residents.”

“Last week’s arrest in Westfield serves a continued reminder of the potential threat that gun violence has on our lives,” said Metuchen Mayor Jonathan Busch. “While concerns may vary from municipality to municipality, it is incumbent upon all of us to do everything we can to raise awareness about gun violence in our communities and advocate for responsible gun ownership. This is how we honor the nearly 135,000 victims and survivors of gun violence in America each year while helping to keep our children safe.” 

“Senseless violence is tearing communities apart across our country and across our state,” said Robbinsville Mayor David Fried. “We urgently need common sense reforms in order to protect our children, schools and communities and follow through on our responsibilities as elected leaders.”  

“I completely support Governor Murphy’s efforts to increase gun safety in New Jersey by making sure that guns never fall into the wrong hands,” said North Brunswick Mayor Francis Womack.

“All politics is local, and nothing local hits harder on a local level than gun violence,” said Roselle Park Mayor Joseph Signorello, III. “Thoughts and prayers are no longer enough to stem the tide of gun violence. I pray our elected officials in Trenton and D.C. find the political courage to make real change to make our communities safer rather than pander to special interests.” 

“As a mother of 2 daughters and a teacher and coach to so many more young people, I support common sense gun safety in Union County and for all of NJ. Gun violence does not care what zip code you live in.”  said Springfield Mayor Erica DuBois.

“We must do everything in our power as parents and elected officials to keep our kids safe and secure,” said Glen Rock Mayor Bruce Packer. “This includes enacting laws that keep guns out of the wrong hands and out of the schools. There are not many things more important than the right of our children to feel safe each and every day.”

“All too often, we hear the stories of gun violence taking the lives of our community members at work, school, and play,” said Hopewell Borough Mayor Paul Anzano. “Let’s join together to prevent another tragedy and prevent senseless violence so that families in our communities can thrive without fear.”

“I strongly believe that protecting our citizens is the most basic, and important, function of government,” said Hopewell Township Mayor Kristin McLaughlin. “We have a significant gun violence problem in the United States today. When our children are victims, we have lost our future. I am grateful to Gov. Murphy for his leadership on this issue. We must do more to keep weapons away from people who shouldn’t have them. I look forward to a day when children don’t need to be taught what to do when there is an active shooter. It simply shouldn’t need to be part of a school curriculum.” 

“As Mayor of Neptune Township, I and the Neptune Township Committee support Governor Murphy’s efforts to reduce gun violence in NJ schools, neighborhoods and cities,” said Neptune Mayor Carol Rizzo. 

“I am proud to support Governor Murphy to further strengthen gun safety in our State,” said Morris Mayor Jeff Grayzel. “The incident in Westfield highlights the need for continued efforts by New Jersey and other states to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.”

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