New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Applauds Governor Murphy’s Appointments to Highlands Council

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New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Applauds
Governor Murphy’s Appointments to Highlands Council

TRENTON, NJ – Today Governor Murphy announced several appointments to the Highlands council, an independent state agency that presides over the NJ Highlands Region.

“The importance of the Highlands to New Jersey cannot be overstated,” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director of New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. “The New Jersey Highlands provide nearly 6.2 million residents with clean drinking water. With his appointments, Governor Murphy is strengthening this important regional planning body to meet the objectives of the Highlands Regional Master Plan and ensure our families and businesses have clean drinking water for generations to come.”

The appointments to the Council are:

William Kibler – Policy Director for Raritan Headwaters Association and former Executive Director of the South Branch Watershed Association. He also serves on the New Jersey Highlands Coalition Policy Committee.

Daniel Van Abs, Ph.D – Associate Professor of Practice for Water, Society & Environment at Rutgers University and noted water resource expert. He serves on the Board of Trustees for The Watershed Institute and the Passaic River Coalition, and he serves on the Clean Water Council.

Wynnie-Fred Victor Hinds – Community Outreach & Engagement Manager with Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC) and Member of the Board of Directors at New Jersey Clean Water Action. She is the Newark West Ward Climate Resilience Coordinator for the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance and member of the grassroots Newark Water Group.

“Bill Kibler has a long record of environmental service and his experience in environmental law will be an enormous asset to the Council,” explained Potosnak. “I’ve had the privilege of working with Bill for a number of years and we applaud Governor Murphy for appointing him to the Council. We’re excited to see the path that the Council will take with the expertise and passion that I know Bill will bring.”

“Dan Van Abs, throughout his storied career, has been a force for smart policy decisions. He was a valuable part of the effort regarding the development and implementation of the Highlands Regional Master Plan. We look forward to Dan bringing this expertise to the Council to protect this important region,” stated Potosnak.

“Wynnie-Fred Victor Hinds is a veteran in the environmental field,” said Potosnak. “She has been on the ground in Newark working to address the environmental issues that face our communities and will be an excellent addition to the council.”

“New Jersey LCV is very pleased with this round of appointments. These are individuals who can be trusted to protect such a valuable region and promote smart growth policies that ensure the Highlands’ future,” said Potosnak. “We urge Senate President Sweeney and Senate Judiciary Chairman Scutari to quickly move forward confirming these much-needed, high quality, appointments,” he concluded.

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters is a non-partisan organization whose mission is to elect environmental champions, hold public officials accountable, and support laws which protect our environment and improve the quality of people’s lives.

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