New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Honors Senate President

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, talks about how legislators made a mistake by tying legalization of recreational marijuana to medical marijuana reform and how decriminalizing possession and expunging past convictions can help make things right.

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Honors Senate President 

Stanhope – Sportsmen’s advocacy group gives Sweeney their biggest award of the year.

The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance honored Senate President Steve Sweeney with their coveted Conservation Leadership Award during their 2018 Wild Game Dinner at the Black Forest Inn on Sunday. During his acceptance speech he told the crowd; including state legislators, outdoor proponents and over 160 recreational sportsmen, that he had

"It makes me proud to stand with my fellow sportsmen and support legislators from both sides of the aisle that stand up for common sense and the values that we hold dear. We have a proud tradition of standing up for healthy ecosystems, long-held traditions and the great outdoors." said Peter Grimbilas, President and Co-Chairman of the NJOA. 


"We’re here for one reason today," said spokesman Cody McLaughlin. “To celebrate New Jersey’s 1.2 million outdoorsmen and women. The facts are in: hunting, fishing and trapping are the beating heart of conservation and sound wildlife management and the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance will never stop fighting to protect our outdoor heritage.” 


NJOA Legislative Liaison Tom Connors had this to say about presenting Senator Sweeney with the award, “Senator Sweeney has been our strongest advocate for our issues since becoming a state legislator in 2002. Senator Sweeney has advanced legislation for hunters, anglers, trappers and conservationists throughout our great state. I was proud to be able to present him with this award.”

About the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is a grassroots organization dedicated to supporting outdoor-minded legislation and legislators who support hunting, fishing, trapping and the conservation of our natural resources in New Jersey. Notable accomplishments include the recent passage of the Blood Tracking bill, along with the institution of Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs  

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