New Jersey Patients Speak Out Against Bob Hugin In New Ads

New Jersey Patients Speak Out Against Bob Hugin In New Ads

The Big Pharma CEO doubled the price of a cancer medication and must not be a U.S. senator.
New Jersey patients are telling their stories to warn voters that Big Pharma CEO Bob Hugin, who made more than $100 million by raising drug prices so high that cancer patients were forced into debt just to stay alive, must not be elected senator.

The ads feature Bob Keller of Parsippany, NJ who has had diabetes for 43 years, and Gulay Turan, whose mother has the incurable blood cancer, multiple myeloma.

“Bob Hugin doesn’t have an understanding of me, the average guy,” Keller says in the ad. “Bob Hugin is not a good choice for New Jersey.”

“My mom suffered. Bob Hugin made $100 million,” says Turan, who is from East Rutherford.

Patients For Affordable Drugs Action is lifting up the voices of patients ahead of New Jersey’s U.S. Senate election to shine a light on Bob Hugin’s unscrupulous record of increasing drug prices, blocking less expensive generics, and making a killing off of cancer patients.

The ads will run across the state on various digital platforms for the next several weeks.

For interviews with patients featured in the ads, contact Communications Director Juliana Keeping.


Bob Keller’s Story

Bob Keller:

Bob Hugin doesn’t have an understanding of me, the average guy.

My name is Bob Keller. I’m 66 years old and I live in Parsippany, NJ.

I’ve been a diabetic for 43 years. And because of the diabetes, I’ve had a kidney transplant.

Bob Hugin, when he was chairman of Celgene, doubled the price of a cancer drug.

In the process, Bob Hugin made over $130 million.

Bob Hugin is not a good choice for New Jersey.

Gulay’s story

My name is Gulay. My mom is a multiple myeloma cancer patient.

Bob Hugin doubled the price of the drug that Gulay’s mom needs to stay alive, forcing Gulay into debt.

My family suffered. Bob Hugin made $100 million.


Patients for Affordable Drugs Action will spend millions more in campaigns across the country in 2018 to defeat politicians who are in the pockets of Big Pharma and to help elect candidates who will stand up for patients and fight for lower drug prices.

Patients For Affordable Drugs Action is a patient-led political action committee founded to make sure politicians hear from real patients and not just the drug industry political machine. In 2017, Big Pharma spent $25.4 million lobbying, and in the last election cycle donated $247 million to help elect politicians. Patients For Affordable Drugs Action received principal funding from the Action Now Initiative, a political advocacy organization founded by Laura and John Arnold. Patients For Affordable Drugs Action is an independent organization and refuses funding from any organization that profits from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.


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