New Jersey Right To life Endorses Webber for Congress
April 9, 2018, 2:07 pm | in
New Jersey Right To life Endorses Webber for Congress
Today, Assemblyman Jay Webber’s campaign for Congress announced Jay has received the endorsement of New Jersey Right to Life PAC.
Assemblyman Webber said: “I’m honored to have the support of New Jersey Right To Life PAC. I’ve been supporting mothers in crisis and their unborn children throughout my adult life, and will continue to do so in Congress. Standing up for life and against groups like Planned Parenthood that demand taxpayer subsidies is as important now as it ever has been. At the same time, it’s essential that we oppose any and all attempts to devalue the life of our sick, disabled, or elderly and the efforts to legalize taxpayer-funded assisted suicide. Johanna and I raise our seven children to value each and every person as a precious gift from God, and I’m committed to promoting a culture of life in New Jersey and across this nation.”
New Jersey Right To Life Executive Director Marie Tasy said "New Jersey Right to Life PAC is proud to stand with Assemblyman Jay Webber in his campaign for Congress. Jay has been a staunch defender of life for years and there is no stronger fighter for women and children that voters in the 11th Congressional District could nominate in June and elect in November than Jay. We look forward to working with him over the next seven months and encourage our members and supporters to join Team Webber.”
Assemblyman Webber’s campaign is growing rapidly, with the announcement of an additional 23 endorsements last week, to go with 114 previously announced local leaders. Jay looks forward to representing the Republican Party in November’s election and making sure the 11th Congressional District is represented by a common sense conservative focused on lowering taxes, protecting our citizens, and preserving our liberties.