New Jersey Right to Life Statewide Survey of Voters Indicates Majority Support Limits on Abortion

April 26, 2023

Results Repudiate Murphy and His Party Leaders’ Radical Abortion Policies

New Jersey Right to Life sponsored a Marist Poll that asked specific questions on abortion. The survey of 1,024 New Jersey registered voters was conducted April 10th through April 12th. The poll’s results are listed below.

Despite the fact that the majority of NJ adults support abortion, 60% say they believe abortion should be limited to at most the first three months of a pregnancy. 35% believe abortion should either never be permitted (6%) or limited to exceptions, such as in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother (29%).

Over six in ten (66%) residents oppose abortions in the last few months of pregnancy.

62% of residents also believe that individuals who have moral or religious objections to abortion should be able to opt out of paying for abortions in their private insurance plans.

57% of NJ residents do not think that doctors, nurses, or other health care professionals who have moral objections to abortion should be required to perform them.

70% of adults believe that abortion providers should be required to notify parents before performing abortion services on minors.

58% of New Jersey adults oppose state tax dollars being used to fund abortion services for residents from other states who come to New Jersey seeking abortion services.

A broad consensus of New Jersey residents (74%) believe that scientific evidence should inform the state’s abortion policy.

“Democrat leaders and Governor Murphy are clearly out of step with the majority of NJ voters,” said Marie Tasy, Executive Director of New Jersey Right to Life. “It is no wonder that Governor Murphy and Democrat leaders engaged in shady backroom deals to keep the public in the dark in order to get the misnamed Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, (P.L. 2021, C. 375) passed during the last days of a lame duck session.”

“This poll shows that NJ voters do not support P.L. 2021, C. 375, which shamefully legalized abortions all the way up to the moment of birth, removed conscience clause protections for individuals and health care professionals and contained language to block the passage of future, common sense laws that would set popular limits on abortion and allow parents to be notified before their minor child has an abortion. “We urge the legislature to pass S2282 without delay, which will repeal this radical and clearly unpopular law.”

For more information on methodology or how the survey was conducted, please follow this link to the Marist polling site:


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