New Jersey Tax Incentive Task Force  Schedule of Fourth Public Hearing

Holtec International neglected to include critical information in its Grow NJ application, according to Jim Walden, counsel for the Governor’s Task Force on Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) tax incentives.

New Jersey Tax Incentive Task Force  Schedule of Fourth Public Hearing

Trenton War Memorial, Trenton
TRENTON, N.J., October 17, 2019 — Please find below a schedule of witness testimony and related proceedings at today’s public hearing of the Task Force on EDA’s Tax Incentives, charged by Governor Phil Murphy with investigating the NJ Economic Development Authority. Please note that the schedule is approximate.

The hearing will be held at the Trenton War Memorial, in Trenton, N.J., and will also be livestreamed at this link:
Schedule of Testimony
10:00am — 12:30pm

Opening remarks by Ronald K. Chen, Task Force Chair

David Lawyer 
Managing Director, Underwriting
Economic Development Authority

Dan Poane (by affidavit)
Former Finance Officer
Economic Development Authority

Alexander Ridings
Chief Executive Officer
Rainforest Distribution Corp.

12:30pm — 1:00pm


1:00pm  1:35pm

Marcus Saldutti
Senior Legislative Officer
Economic Development Authority

Task Force presentation concerning Elwyn

1:40pm  3:05pm

Richard LoCascio
Economic Development Authority

Susan Greitz
Director, Incentives Relationship Management
Economic Development Authority

3:05pm  3:20pm


3:20pm  4:50pm

Bruce Ciallella
Senior Vice President, Portfolio Management, Compliance and HUD
Economic Development Authority

Stephanie Olivo
Director of Compliance
Election Law Enforcement Commission

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