New Jersey Women Galvanize for Third Annual Women’s March on New Jersey

New Jersey Women Galvanize for Third Annual

Women’s March on New Jersey

Trenton, NJ - December 3, 2018 - Organizers are in the midst of planning for a third annual Women’s March on New Jersey, this year in Trenton, its original home. The committee says the focus for the event is commemorating the importance of diversity, inclusion and hope. Scheduled for Saturday, January 19, 2019, in Trenton, the march kicks off at 11:00 a.m. at the State House Annex on West State Street and wraps up on the steps of the War Memorial around 1:00 p.m.

In January 2017, massive worldwide protests demanded the protection of women’s rights as well as those of other vulnerable members of the LGBT community, African Americans, Latinos, immigrants, low wage workers, religious communities, young people and others directly affected by the policies of the new occupant of the White House.

As excitement builds for this year’s event, prominent women in New Jersey are making their voices heard about the mission, vision, and the growing enthusiasm for what has become a must attend event for all who support women’s equality.

“We are excited to bring the 2019 Women’s March on NJ back to Trenton. This March is for ALL women. As we plan and prepare, every effort is being made to ensure an inclusive, diverse event which will lift women up,” said Erin Chung, co-lead organizer and Founder, Women for Progress.

Loretta Winters, co-lead organizer and President of the Gloucester County NAACP applauds the effort of Women’s March on New Jersey in an issued statement, “”The New Jersey Women’s March is focused on closing the many social, employment and criminal gender gaps and promoting values of equality, inclusivity, diversity and the significance of a quality and fair life for all. The Fight for women’s right is as deep and as wide as the fight for civil rights, which goes hand-in-hand.  This is the time of renewed hope and determination", said Loretta Winters, long-serving president of the Gloucester County NAACP. “At a time in our nation’s history when our country is deeply divided, it is refreshing to know that here in New Jersey we continue to bridge the divide. We continue to march in solidarity as one state; one voice; one mission!"

Elizabeth Meyer, co-lead organizer and Founder, Women’s March on New Jersey, who has provided leadership for the past two Women’s Marches on New Jersey was quick to add,  "Our focus this year is strengthening our New Jersey sisterhood - creating pathways to understanding, removing barriers for voices that have long been silenced, recognizing histories, realizing commonalities, and sharing our journeys. On January 19th, we build a powerful solidarity anchored in acceptance and diverse strengths. The only way we progress is together, shoulder to shoulder. It starts with cultivating empathy and healing in our New Jersey communities."

Kim Gaddy, co-lead organizer and Environmental Justice Organizer for Clean Water Action added, "The New Jersey Women's March stands for uplifting our collective voices for Health and Environmental Equity for all families. We are the Mother's of the Earth and we will fight for Clean Air to breathe and safe & affordable drinking water for our children.”

"We are coming together this January in solidarity to honor all of the women who have come before us in the struggle for equality for all, to amplify the voices of women whose voices continue to be silenced by our society, and to galvanize all women and young girls to use their power and privilege to raise others up. We march together recognizing and celebrating our diversity and our shared strengths.  We march in Solidarity, using our collective Power, to bring about Progress,” said Saily Avelenda, Esq., co-lead organizer and Executive Director, NJ 11th For Change.

Maria Santiago-Valentine, co-lead organizer, Treasurer, NJ Chapter, National Association of Hispanic Journalists and People’s Climate Rally, NJ Lead Organizer sums up her opinion of the march by calling to everyone’s attention that “we are moving forward in solidarity once again to remind history of our role in social change while leading our families and communities.”

In summing it up, Kaity Assaf, CAIR-NJ member, an advocate for Eid Al-Adha as Clifton Public School holiday, and co-lead organizer, said, ““The Women's March on New Jersey brings together women of all religions, ages, ethnicity and disability in solidarity to build a brighter future for women, and a better New Jersey. Our differences shouldn't divide us but unite us for the common good-- the opportunity to be heard."

The Women's March on NJ is being planned by a coalition of organizations representing advocacy groups from across the Garden State. The steering committee this year contains 50 members and continues to grow as they incorporate as many diverse voices into the planning process as possible, from all races (the voices of black and brown women make up more than 75% of the core leadership team), ethnicities, orientations, faiths (five faiths and counting), ages (from age 20 to 80s), and abilities. Committee members represent issues ranging from the environment, voting rights, immigration, and gun control to Black Lives Matter, healthcare, sexual assault, criminal justice reform, education, LGBTQ rights, and more. The coalition does not receive any financial or organizational assistance from, nor is not affiliated with, the national Women's March, Inc.

For more information, a complete list of committee members, and to register for this year’s march, please visit

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